
  • GKASF Infinatras

    Redesign in progress. She's a real beauty now. Feel free to drop in. You may want to wait a while for the given items to load. The lighting engineers are taking their time. They set the exterior lights a little slow, so it looks a lot like a large christmas tree. The ship itself is a command and control ship, so it isn't armed or armoured well enough to contend with even a tiny pathetic cruiser. It is in reality between two and three times as large as presented here, since I assumed roboloxians were analogous to humans. Kurrau average between 3 and 4 meters in height. The torpedos at the vector side (front) are weapons, the missiles in the cargo bay are Cutter missiles, which are used in Faster-than-Light travel. The primary weapon of the ship is a Salutations class railgun, capable of punching holes through armour three meters thick, through a ship interior, and out the three meters of armour on the other side, without slowing.

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  • KI R&R Development

    Hey, check that out, a train that works. Yes, I cheated and used square blocks (cylinder mesh) with low friction for wheels. But at least it goes. And turns. Stiff bogeys with hinges work moderately well; I am not sure how I would go about a soft bogey. It doesn't work well in sharp turns (probably because I cheated again and used bodythrust to power it...). At this time you cannot control it, but since I got a script to control it, a player controlled model should be soon. Now it has a body and can tow. I had to go with sci-fi robo-train.

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  • Map of sorts

    I dunno...

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  • ShipYard

    Priority 1: Make shipyard Priority 2: Make ships The Warrious is there for purely asthetic reasons. Shuttle 1 finished... it's still not functional however. A cruiser is in development now.

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  • KIS-341 Shuttle


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