
  • Terra Nation Recruitment & Meeting Center [v1.5]

    I'll add guns when the building is done. [PRIVATE FOR NOW, ME AND SKY ARE WORKING ON IT] Made out of the fine steel of Terra, otherwise known as Chromium, this base exceeds in protecting itself from outsiders and the unknown. This base is the main base for Terra Nation and all of its other networks. The high leaders, or high command as some may call them, work in this base to help improve the Terran Nation. As they work, the nation continues to grow. Changelogs: [Current Update:] (v1.5) +Adding War Room +Adding more to the warehouse +Adding Raider Base +Adding new color scheme -Removing various objects -Removing a LOT of decals (i.e. Skyware Tech logo, etc.) -Dynamic Lighting being brought to a minimum -Dynamic Lighting color scheme change (?) -Removed iChatGUI for administrator purposes (Quenty's Admin Commands GUI) Yeah. 1.5 is a biggish update. I mean, with the new additions that aren't bugs or small things barely noticeable, this is actually a major update.

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  • Proskate 1 v.0.3

    Welcome to Proskate! Here you will be given quests to do specific tricks only pros can do! "I want you to do a trick for me. C'mon, man, you can do this! Oh! I see...A Pop Shuvit. Good selection, man. Now, go show them who's boss, for me." ~Carter Amazingly enough I got this kind of game setting and stuff from a great game, Shawn White Skateboarding. Thanks for inspiring me.

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  • Classic Swordfights

    Have a classic swordfight! Admins are crasherX8, scope23, alertrampage, MeebasMan33, scope20tree, darkninjawarrior20, DouglasIsAwsome111, and silverfoot! There is also the classic sword everyone loves!

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  • Model Making

    Testing for certain objects...

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  • Sceneric View [EBR Entry] WIP

    This is my house IRL. I know, right? And no, my front lawn doesn't actually have grass that long. This isn't an exact replica, as stated above, but I tried to make it as close as possible. Oh would you look at that; I just spent an hour of work on it in Studio and I was working as Player (solo) but it never saves that way :L FREAKING ROBLOX.

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  • crasherX8's Place for Videos

    You get the idea.

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  • Project Underbreak: The First Death v12.1

    Project Underbreak was an underground mission to get rid of all mutants in ROBLOXia. There was a explosion at the Testing Lab that exploded the whole building. The remaining, living mutants created a group of 50 mutants preparing to creat havoc and destruction in ROBLOXia. They soon multiplied, and kept multiplying until the RST (ROBLOX SWAT Team) had no choice; The war had to be executed. 3 years after the explosion, mutants have been hoarding the city streets, multiplying until danger was at its max. Can the RST stop the mutant invasion for good?

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  • Grab my Hand, Let's Walk Together

    Don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of. Just breathe, and all will be fine.

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  • crasherX8's Resting Place

    A place where only I can relax...And my friends. 98% made by me.

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  • Corridor [inDev]

    A new horror gamemode in development. Scripting help by Meebasa. Name to be decided. Currently there is a player limit of 4 for testing purposes. I also don't want a massive amount of people on to judge how "horrible" this game is. I can assure you, there's nothing to judge here. Right now we're just working on getting the player interface set up, (camera animations, player animations, etc) as well as getting client-side and server-side animations set up. I'm also going to be working on the horror ambiance ready and generally make this game beautiful yet terrifying at the same time. Think of Outlast. Right now I'm simply working on getting the UI set up, the ambiance, the lighting, and hopefully I should be good for that. Once that's perfect, I'll work on the map(s). Audio References: http://www.roblox.com/Horror-sound-effect-description-item?id=130976109 http://www.roblox.com/Carpet-Footstep-item?id=133705377

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  • Redwall Abbey (WIP)

    This is my version of Redwall, I used Youtube to get a look of what Redwall looks like.---------------------------------------A model, Soon to be a free model once done, of Redwall Abbey. There are hidden passages like Martins tomb, Or even showing where the sword of Martin is! Quite an adventure, really.-----------------------------------------If you've played my game "Redwall Abbey Mossflower and Beyond," It doesn't have Redwall in it. The reason is is because I'm making this a model of mine so I can put it in my other Redwall game.

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  • The Crashed Ruins of Silence (RPG) WIP

    I know that the map is not completed yet. Meebasman33 is making the scripts for the place. Do NOT comment its free models. (Yeah, Since I'm bad at making teleporters, Theres only 10 free models) Enjoy for now! Goal: Trying to get on first page

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  • NL Base [WIP

    for code mmmmkay

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  • Private Server [Read Description for Rules]

    Just a small little private server for my friends and I. Rules: No C4, no holes under spawn, no random holes, no griefing. For those noobs who are lazy enough to not look on google, griefing means NO DESTROYING OTHER'S STUFF.

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  • Sonic Rainboom

    All's normal until you take a step. Keep your volume quiet. I took MeebasMan33's Sonic Rainboom script and I changed the velocity level to >1 and the wait time to 1.5, so every second and a half you get an awesome rainbow explosion. RECOMMENDED: 1 - 2 players on at a time, maybe a high-performance computer if you want more than 10 players. Note: I have yet to make it so only when you jump it makes the rainboom, not as you walk. Get the original model here! All credit goes to MeebasMan33, except for the numbers I changed around - http://www.roblox.com/Sonic-Rainboom-WIP-item?id=150295475

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  • Avionic Cafe [Closed Alpha]

    After recently working on a new logo style, I think I've finally come up with a name. Avionic! It sounds really nice, and I may update the sign (a few "annotations" or a theme, rather than a generic block with a decal and dynamic lighting) that "brings out the flavor" of the cafe. Of course, this may actually become a nightclub or a lounge. Who knows? It's still in really early development, so I'm not quite sure what it will become, but I know it will become a nightclub, a cafe, or both. I think it'll be awesome when it's finished!

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  • $1R = 100 Player Points!


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  • Melex Building

    Me and Code are working on it. dont judge

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