
  • Police Department Training Center

    This is were all Officers of the Police Department goes to Train. Rules of the Game, 1)Listen to all Directors/Instructors. 2)Do not ask for admin. 3)No admin abusing. 4)Request Permission to speak while in STS. 5)Respect all authority/non-authority. 6)Do not use fire arm outside of shooting range. 7)Do not interfere with training if not participating. 8)ONLY 2 hosts on stage. 9)Never take a HOST spot/position unless given to you by host. 10)NO spawning any gear, cars, hats or clothing. OWNER OF FACILITY: THOMAS14BUS CO OWNER OF FACILITY : JimSawyer Any Questions or Reports message OWNER/COWNER OF FACILITY ******THIS FACILITY IS UNDERCONSTRUCTION******

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  • Meeting Center

    This is a Place for making Announcement and Meetings.

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