
  • Robug Labs command center

    --Like what you see? Join the Robug Labs group and help build new projects!-- The hub for all RL places. The command center serves as the main base of operations across the map. Offering not only the base its self, but also lots of transportation options, such as jet and helicopter routs to other RL stations, and a Surface to Orbit rocket to reach the Robug Labs orbital station.

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  • *Postponed indefinitely* Zeta-4 project

    *Note: Was having lots of trouble getting everyone on the same page. We might revisit this in the future.*

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  • MB-01

    It's fascinating to look up at the near constant contrails left by passing jets. Less than a hundred years ago, the sky would have looked undeniably alien. And one can't help but wonder what will become commonplace and mundane in our future...

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  • Robug Labs Orbital Laboratory *Updated GUI*

    --Like what you see? Join the Robug Labs group and help build new projects!-- This is the center for all RL orbital operations. Besides just the normal R&D, it also serves as a waypoint to other Robug Labs stations such as MB-01, and Phobos base.

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  • Valiant Aces: Biplane combat V1.0

    The roar of the engine fills your ears as you soar through the sky, little separates you from the dizzying heights except for wood, cloth, and pure luck. A shadow looms overhead as you instinctively snap roll left, arming you guns...

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  • !DreAm҉́Ś҉CapE

    The physical world as we precieve it is nothing more than signals sent through the brain in reaction to external stimuli. While in a deep sleep, the brain will send very similar signals without input from the corrosponding senses. We call this dreaming. Given these facts, how can one say the dream is any less real than reality itself, or that our reality is not part of something even bigger? It kind of makes you wonder where, exactly, all of those socks go when you loose them in the dryer...

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  • Oceanography base *BETA*

    As you step out of the bathysphere into the eerie yellow glow of the undersea laboratory, your eyes catch a glimpse of huge fish and strange bioluminescent creatures that call the deep ocean their home. What a strange and alien place to be found on earth its self...

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  • *Comming whenever* The real Apollo 18

    The Apollo program originally consisted of 20 missions, with 11-20 being moon landings. Each Apollo on the moon would survey the area and collect geological data, and, some claim, do the groundbreaking for a United States moonbase. However, due to budget strains and a declining intrest from the public, the last three missions were scrubbed and the remaining Apollo equipment was used for project Skylab. But still... What if...

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  • Intercontinental Balistic Donuts (ICBD)

    I suppose thats what you would call *puts on shades* a continental breakfast! YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!

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  • Bullet spam V0.5

    Gratuitous amounts of thick battleship plating, Magnets in gun barrels, iron a-slinging. Mechanical monsters, the battlefield kings... These are a few of my favorite things...

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