
  • Tree fight -- Under construction

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  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, France, and Luxembourg on the Western Front toward the end of World War II in Europe. The surprise attack caught the Allied forces completely off guard. United States forces bore the brunt of the attack and incurred their highest casualties for any operation during the war. The battle also severely depleted Germany's armored forces on the western front which Germany was largely unable to replace. German personnel and Luftwaffe aircraft also sustained heavy losses.

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  • Chopper War !

    I am the real creator of this game only the helicopters and the jeeps didn't created------------------------------Capture the flag---------------------

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  • Desert war

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  • Roblox Sniper War (grande atualização)

    você já sonhou em ser um sniper no exército? Jogue minha Guerra de Sniper Roblox! E você vai se sentir como um sniper! Faça amigos e forme uma equipe para lutar contra outros jogadores. Este mapa é feito por mim mesmo, apenas os scripts e armas são modelos gratuitos. Controles, fácil x= propenso c= agachamento R= Recarregando WASD ou teclas de seta=Walk O= Zoom out z= zoom in, ou com o controle deslizante do mouse ..Jogadores podem digitar "kick [player name]" para votar em expulsar um jogador abusivo. Eu tenho muitos scripts, quase todos os scripts estão nos meus modelos. Apenas as armas e os scripts são modelos gratuitos??- ------------------------------------------------------- Se você tiver alguma ideia me mande uma mensagem

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  • Afterburner

    If there is something wrong with my game please send me a message, thank you. *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*

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