
  • Deadzone Rising Simulator (SALE + NEW MUSIC)

    New Paint for your guns! Rainbow Silver Gold Green Brown Purple Red Blue 10 Keys has gone off sale due to working issues. I might get BC and save up for ads instead off spamming. Another music has only been added when entering dead zone. You can turn it on or off. There has been a sale on Pills only 50 per cent off. Added some music a few seconds before actually entering the safe zone. When you spawn, You will receive a knife and find other stuff yourself! DON'T ASK ME FOR ADMIN OR YOU WILL BE KICKED! Administrators: JohnlsFunny,swirl7879,AfraidFireofGod and JB23586. Fixed the scripts of spawning loot.Credit to DeadzoneZackZak and JohannesH Enjoy! EDIT: This game gave me memories and the loading scripts, I don't know how to fix however I would like to update the game. Written as of 2/21/16.

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  • Test

    Just a weird test.

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  • House Hangout (Upcoming updates)

    New updates Halloween Layout Halloween Gear Giver Epic Face Code Pub (I might be late with the updates but it will last for 14 days before Bonfire update, keep in mind that.) EDIT: I will be inactive on this place,and update when I feel vibrant from this place. Written as of 2/21/16.

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