
  • Eu me livrei do cardápio hehe

    Roblox, talvez você queira corrigir isso, suponho que seja um risco de segurança bastante significativo. ATUALIZAÇÃO: Eu relatei isso no hackerone! Exceto que você disse que já encontrou esse problema 🤔... cara, deve ser difícil de resolver porque isso é um problema na plataforma há pelo menos um ano! Boa sorte! Mas não se preocupe! O código é do lado do servidor, então ninguém conseguirá colocá-lo em mãos 🤩💜 JOGADORES MÓVEIS: Você terá que sair do aplicativo! JOGADORES DE PC: Alt+f4 JOGADORES MAC: Cmd+W

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  • Apartment 2 Backup

    Apartment 2 Backup Copyright 2022 (c) TheFuzionCore, miscbsdf. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Tower of Christ, Son of God

    Parody of Tower of Hell Level Design - TheFuzionCore Scripting - miscbsdf "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe." - Proverbs 18:10

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  • Albert's Greedy Game

    "... Every single game, they're going to make you a grey blob, then you have to pay 100 robux just to get your character on screen. I look forward to these days." -mrflimflam December 28, 2021

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  • Starving Sorority 3.53*

    ❗ This game contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. * You've been shunned by the rest of society for quite a while, haven't you? Don't worry though! This residential school is going to be the perfect place for you to kindle your future! With state-of-the-art technology readily available to all, teachers who are professionals in their fields, and all sorts of students who are just like you— it will only be a matter of time before you're back in a healthy mental state and ready to push forward! ... Right? * https://devforum.roblox.com/t/1034085 for more info. Starving Sorority will always remain a free title, and will always remain yours to play. Special Thanks to the Blender Foundation, and many more community members. "this sucks, I'm sorry", "Nonstop Juice", "See ya whenever" (c) 2019 Galactic Hole. All Rights Reserved. "paranoid!" (c) 2020 lando!. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2021 miscbsdf. All Rights Reserved.

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