
  • Mini City - WIP

    A Mini City, where everyone is Godzilla. Project has been put on hold indefintely, I have lost interest in continuing and have put time into my university studies to a priority. If you want my to recreate a building, message me and i'll put it in the pipeline! I'm not planning to go much taller, (maybe 1-2 taller than the current one), just to make it seem more realistic. Working on the coastline now, with some buildings here and there.

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  • A Lovely home badge hunt (ALL BADGES WORKING)

    This game was last yupdated properly back in 2013, so it will be pretty old. I have made all badges accessible now, so enjoy badge collectors! Let me know if there are any issues and I will try my best to solve them, cheers! No more vip as it's broken lol.. so all badges previously held off for vips are available on the map now. The "you met" ones are also available somewhere on the map too.

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  • Little Big City. [ 50% finished ] [ read desc ]

    [importnat note: you will have atleast 1 min of lag at the start, after that, all lag will be gone.] Most buildings are EXCACT replicas of real buildings, apart from size... AND EACH building takes an hour to make, depending on how much cframing is needed. This city has some of the most well designed buildings in all of ROBLOX, the buildings are bassed of buildings from cities around Australia. I got rid of the less-detailed side because it was too laggy. P.M if you like the buildings or you can also send me ideas! [one i fill all the spots up with buildings, i'll make a script that makes them bigger so you can go inside them. ]

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  • Brick Battle in a Mini City!

    I made this in like a couple hours, i know it's poorly made but um.. yeah it is pretty out of date, but it still works! (A tad laggy though)

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  • The chair.

    game no longer works due to updates, i am too lazy to fix it. lol.

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  • StreetX's skate park --5 New Badges!--

    It's not just for me it's for anyone who has that skating fealing, anyone whos the master of stunts, this is the place for you. 95% is byRobloxSK8's skatepark pack and building set, i added a few extras ;) If you want to gain speed take off your hat/s Every thing is is possible to get up, and yes, even the stairs.

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  • Skiing fun

    it's winter and loads of snow have falling over the pass 2 days. when it gets to cold you might die! soo keep warm! just ski with you friends and have a nice cup of hot cocca! you can parcute from a helicopter fro, high as or you can jusmp out! have fun!

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  • RolePlay at the City Beach!

    Tired of country living, and being isolated from everyone else? Why not come to the city for the day! Where you can relax on the beach or stay in an hotel in the city not far from the shore line! Have fun with your friends, explore the city streets!

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  • short hard obby

    This obby was built in mid 2009. So it is like playable time capsule.

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