
  • Dia das Bruxas v0.3.0

    Produções de Carne Morta É Halloween em Haddonfield em 1978. Um paciente mental escapado está solto nas ruas com uma vingança. Hoje à noite em Haddonfield no Halloween, The Shape Stalks nas sombras. Ninguém está seguro. Lembrete: As classificações são cruciais para o sucesso deste jogo. Se você achou o jogo interessante ou divertido, certifique-se de compartilhá-lo com outras pessoas ou amigos. Logs de Atualização Versão 0.3.0 - Correções de erros Plataformas suportadas - XBOX - PC - Móvel [Limitado] Marcações: Halloween Michael Myers Horror

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  • SCP:CB SCP-939 Demonstração v0.8

    Changelogs v0.8: [ ➕ ] Adicionado começando a Sala da Área LCZ para evitar o spawnkilling de SCP-939 [ 🔧 ] Corrigido Bug do SCP-939 Invencível [ 🔧 ] Abaixou a Saúde de SCP-939 para 250 [ 🔧 ] Outras Melhorias e Correções Menores ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Créditos: Seu WAWGaming Brutez deltaforce515 marioplaysgames Mayk728 Silou34

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  • The Pacific: Okinawa [Alpha]

    --This is not a finished game! Expect bugs and missing content!-- -- An HG Game Studios Production -- https://www.roblox.com/groups/5913746 The Brutal Campaign of Okinawa Japan in the Pacific Warzone during WW2. As an American your objective is to make it through Wana Ridge and advance towards Shuri Castle, the last line of Japanese defenses protecting the area. As a Japanese your objective is simple, stand your ground and fight till your last breath!

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  • The Pacific: Peleliu [Beta]

    --This is not a finished game! Expect bugs and missing content!-- -- An HG Game Studios Production -- https://www.roblox.com/groups/5913746 This game takes place on the pacific island known as "Peleliu" where you must break through the Japanese defenses towards the airfield. As a Marine you must do the above, As a Japanese Soldier you must stand your ground and fight till your last breath. Based on real events. Credits to Treyarch for some of the sounds used in this game. Game Tips: As a Japanese Rifleman, Hold "E" to Perform a "Banzai Charge" As a Sniper make sure to aim according to your target's distance from you and take into account bullet drop.

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