
  • Zombie Dash | Alpha 0.7

    Zombie Dash is a new zombie game, made for fun! This experience has 2 maps, and it's in alpha. It is not just a normal zombie game, it's much more! It is made to provide lots of fun You need to kill zombies and repair the doors so zombies can't spawn. How long are you going to survive? Let's find out! The game has its own character system, with customization and everything! Donating and liking helps us make better updates and faster! By protecting the doors in maps with doors, you will make zombies spawn slower, which is going to help you! The game is recommended to be played with sounds, as it has realistic sounds! The game supports VR, but it's in the Testing because we found no testers that own VR. The game is made so it is more fun with some friends, why would you not invite some? The game is still in Alpha, so bugs may occur! You can read about updates/general game information here: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/updates/1185435

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