

  • SenorMexico of Vaktovia

    Second time in Vaktovia: (Re-accepted) Private First Class: 01/24/18 Accepted by DevilishPyro Sub-Lieutenant: 2/21/18 - 3/16/18 Promoted by AstralStrike Lieutenant: 3/16/18 - 4/7/18 Promoted by DevilishPyro Captain: 4/7/18 - 5/20/18 Promote by NitroStrike Major: 5/20/18 -8/5/18 Promoted by NitroStrike Colonel: 8/5/18 - Present Promoted by NitroStrike __________________________________________________ Veteran of.. 2nd RAT war FC Cold War (2014) NFC war WIJ war UAF war VOID war SF Cold War FoA Cold War TRA war Ro-War (Unofficial entry) CSP war EDL war TR war USF war UWF war __________________________________________________ Legate Council Member Examination Officer Ex-Head Examination Officer Ex-Medic 1st Class

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  • SenorMexico of Vaktovia

    First time in the Vaktovian Empire: Stage 1 : 2/25/14 - 3/4/14 Accepted by unknown. Stage 2: 3/4/14 - 5/29/14 Promoted by unknown. Stage 3: 5/29/14 - 6/23/14 Promoted by CodRuler Stage 4: 6/23/14 - 10/24/14 Promoted by VetixVainness Stage 5: 10/24/14 - 11/15/14 Promoted by Jess106. Graduated/Private: 11/15/14 - 1/24/15 Tested by Xerland2. Private First Class - 1/24/15 - 5/7/15 Promoted by Astrochemistry Corporal - 5/7/15 - 6/25/15 Promoted by AnakinSkywalker221 Sergeant - 6/25/15 - 12/14/15 Promoted by Astrochemistry Lieutenant - 12/14/15 - 10/1/16 Promoted by VeitMyani Captain - 10/1/16 - 3/26/17 Promoted by Unknown Colonel -> [Major] - 3/26/17 - 12/24/18 Promoted by VietMyani __________________________________________________ Ex-Royal Guard Trials Ex-Vanguard 1st Class Ex-Vanguard Captain Ex-VRCC Ex-Head Raid Trainer

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