
  • S.A.S. Hq ~Meeting Now.~

    IF nobody from SAS is in a sever, PM me or Kingryan656! --------------------------------------------------- http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=88422 --------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the S.AS. Hq! The Hq is heavily Guarded, but if you do not cause issues and follow orders, we will usually let you in! High Ranks dont abuse controls! If a high rank is abusing controls, please PM ME!

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  • Security Tests [Formatting Complete]

    This is where i make my new Door, gates, anything Security.

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  • Private Server ~ROBLOX Changed it to a MEGA game!~

    This is a Private Server for me and my Friends, PM me if you would like Access! I am accepting most requests to gain Access. I will also be choosing some admins. IF you are a visitor, and *I* am on the server, instead of PMing me, feel free just to join and ask! Admins: Bambam152 Brady911 Banned: Tyler00337 MadBad98 To appeal a ban, please PM "ME" with the subject "Banned" **NOTE: If you are Banned on a Private Server owned by Bambam152, you will be banned on ALL Private Servers owned by Bambam152** Rules: Do not SPAM, or build inappropriate things. Do NOT destroy other user's creations or edit them without permission. Building in a Restricted Area without Permission will result in Temporary or Permanent Ban. Do NOT break into an Admin only area. As Always I will have FULL commands, and I am willing to ban rule breakers. Please Note that this games AUTOMATICALLY.

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  • Project 23-A

    I need to relay the roads due to Incorrect measurements... -------------------------- A nice Private bussiness place, located in a city.

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  • Spartans St.

    Houses will be on this street, soon i will extend it to a town and add schools. If you want to help build a house, PM ME

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