
  • Crossed Multiverse (W.I.P. Roleplay Game)

    Welcome to the Multiverse! I'm Cala-mari! This is a Roleplay Game that the creator, MY creator made! Here are the rules. -Don't bully! It's not needed! -Please, don't ask for admin. Only my friends get admin! -This is for Agent. Please, don't torment our fellow players. -Use "clean" language. Kids play this, ya' know! -Don't steal my creator's, or her friends' characters! It's rude, and also, I don't want to be stolen! Neither do Sakura or Emma, or even Agent! -Please. have fun. (I do NOT own any characters, beside my own. All others go to respective owners.) Thanks for playing! (Also, this is a game within a chain of Roleplay games. Check out Ga ch a Crossover by Agent The Inkling ######## and Prototype Test By Princess Band I coot

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  • Donating Place! | DEAD |

    I don't know why this still exists. It's nothing, really. Feel free to donate to me in the description below. If you want a game that is sort of better than this, check out Crossed Multiverse. Cala-mari signing off.

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