
  • Combat Game Placeholder?

    Was once a placeholder for a concept I had for a combat game in which the map itself was also trying to wipe you out. Now I'm not sure what to do with it.

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  • DriftCo. Ultimate Glitch Prix

    Se estiver jogando com outros, certifique-se de que o motorista principal tenha a propriedade da rede do veículo. Deixe o motorista sentar primeiro; deve ajudar tremendamente. Tentei um ajuste no último DriveScript envolvendo a nova estatística de Inércia, que deveria estabilizar a estatística quando o veículo não está em movimento. Não funcionou exatamente como planejado, então ainda vou precisar trabalhar nisso um pouco mais. Corrigido um pequeno bug que impedia que os botões de troca de som do motor funcionassem no celular. Observe que este jogo NÃO está minimamente otimizado para o celular, e se você PODE dirigir no celular em seu estado atual, mais poder para você. Todas as molas atuais têm métodos de resgate válidos. Em alguns casos, múltiplos, o que pode render Pontos de Bônus. Lembrete: clicar no carro para ativar o Modo Flip removerá uma restrição do veículo. Funciona bem para se soltar. Pode eventualmente se tornar um dos melhores jogos de corrida da ROBLOX. Atualmente pouco mais do que um banco de teste e prova de conceito.

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  • Team Create Randomness

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  • Build Of Your Life (Under Construction)

    I'm trying again with this one. That first version was alright (Not really) but I know more now than I did then, and am just essentially rebuilding from the ground up. This place is mostly centered around building vehicles, but this isn't required. Do, Be, or Build anything you want using a combination of New and Classic tools and the supplied materials! Recent Updates: Added a sound to the Boost Tracks. Also did some things most people won't notice. Tips: The track should be easier to navigate since the angle of approach for the loop's been adjusted a bit. MaxPlayers: 10 V 161 Construction began between August and November 2011.

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  • Wild Ride Winter Sports Resort *UC/CPP*

    Welcome to Wild Ride! You've just entered an insane Winter Sports Resort and are at the top of a gigantic hill. So many ways to shred the powder, from sledding to snowboarding, rumor has it there's even some skis and a snowmobile in development. Well? What are you waiting for? Time's a wasting! Grab something and get down that hill! Just be careful not to fall off, or you'll end up being flown back to the resort's emergency care center. This game will develop MUCH over the years and is now my new main place. Hope it brings you back again and again! Here's the Double-Tap Sprint script I used. http://www.roblox.com/Minecraft-Sprint-Script-item?id=93695001 Yes most of the furniture is from the ROBLOX Stamper tool but I recolored it and plan to make more modifications in the future.

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  • Vehicle Test/Display *CPP*

    This is where I test [some of] my Vehicles. Feel free to come in and check some of them out for yourself. If you like them, subscribe to "DriftCo. Racing" to have instant access to ALL my vehicles. And remember; "Whatever you're in, be it Car, Boat, Plane or Other, always remember: Just DRIVE." This place also doubles as my house. :P

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  • ۞Insert Insanity *RD&C*۞

    (TESTING) This place is basically a place with an Insert, Basic Weps and Level Up weps crammed into the Starterpack. Use the Backpack button beside your Health to choose your favorite weps. There's a few Dual Vulcan Chainguns hidden in this game, as well as 5 Hideouts that are all depicted in the place pic. The center area can be used as a Racetrack. Cars are useful here and if you can get your car up the slopes you can drive on the outer wall. Just be careful not to skid off or you'll end up with an extra WO to add to your KO/WO count, and who needs more WOs? All gear except Musical Instruments is allowed here. Use that to your advantage. Plus virtually no lag! *Note: I believe you can only drive on the wall in a counterclockwise direction, but I could be wrong.*

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  • Free the Mind

    I've made Proving Grounds ## new model building/testing place, and this one I'll just come to when I want to derp around, practice scripting and building, and essentially let ## mind wander.

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  • Proving Grounds

    Just recently rebuilt this place from scratch because I was getting physics weirdness whenever I tried to use it. This time I decided to set different materials for each baseplate for testing purposes. There are only 8 baseplates, and therein only 8 materials. Might expand later to include more of the materials but for now this is fine. No; this isn't a game persay; it's where I test my designs, as well as the ROBLOX Dev's ideas. This place is entirely blank save a few breaks in the sameness here and there just to keep me awake. I don't recommend you come here because there's pretty much nothing to do.

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