
  • [FoT] East Skyrim Stronghold

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  • Fort Amol

    Fort Amol is a Fort in the South Eastern part of Skyrim. This fort was chosen as the primary Fort of the Stormcloak kingdom and is Managed personally by King Joer Stormcloak himself. Raid Rules: 1) 4 (four) Stormcloak soldiers and 1 (one) Stormcloak Leader as well as 5 (five) raiders must be present for the raid to be official. 2) Must have 100 KO's and the flag for fifteen minutes (15) to win the raid. 3) A raid may last up to 1 (one) hour, if the raiders retreat then SKoS wins. 4) If the flag is lost at some point during the 15 (fifteen) minute period in which the raiders own it, the timer resets and they mast capture the flag again. 5) Can not claim AA (Admin Abuse) without proof, picture or video it matters not.

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