
  • SNCAI - Bot BrickBattle - Várias correções

    Jogue jogos gratuitos, jogos de equipe, 1 ou 2 bandeiras capturam a bandeira e um novo modo Rei da Colina com AIs! Não está à venda. Teste novos recursos aqui: ###############################################################################################################################################################

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  • SNCAI - Battle for the planet - Also Fixed!

    Huh, nobody told me I could have 5 active places. :/ [[[Currently, my preferred SNCAI place is Bot BrickBattle: http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=20448980]]] Your base is under attack from aliens! Good thing you have a team of gunbots to help you. NOTE: The laser pistol gears don't cause KOs properly, that isn't my fault, it's a bug in them.

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  • SNCAI-BBB: Multiple maps test

    I am aware the second map isn't exactly balanced, it's only for testing. Please leave feedback about performance etc. in the comments (but compare performance with the original place first).

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