
  • Winter

    Read the story. Play the piano. As people around you for comfort.

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  • A Whisp of Life

    Your life flashed before your eyes; You remember your first memory, you were just born; Flimsy, soft, wet, crying, and you looked towards your mother as she held you; you noticed a tear drop on the corner of her eyes as she looked at you with warm eyes. Then, you stood. Your mother looks at you with mixed emotions, and you look at her with glee. The start of middle school, you feel just a little bit older. Your view on life gradually changed as you stare longingly towards a brown haired female classmate. You don't speak to her for a long time, only garnering more unrequited feelings. This makes you feel uneasy, but realizing that thinking is futile, you say, "it's now or never". "She looks just like you", you say, as you stare down on the baby on your arms. Your nose starts to get runny, and your eyes watery. You look towards a woman, with blurry eyes, and it takes you back to the very first time you saw her; the same old, brown haired clumsy middle school girl.

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