
  • Feel Free To Play My Games!

    Have fun! Feel free to play this too! This is my old game Free Build! Buy VIP, it is located in my T-Shirts area.

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  • Unicorn CrossRoad Capture The Flag! {Ver: 0.1.2}

    Ride ponies and fight! Say "Join/Teamname" to switch teams! Make sure you put the full team name, and make sure it is spelled correctly! The basics of this game is to go ride a unicorn, fight, get to the other side, grab the flag, and return it back to base! There is a new shop in the Mid-Point of the road, make sure to check it out!

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  • ROBLOX Island Paradise

    Welcome to Island Paradise, this is a place where you can do many things. Either watch a band playing, swim in the pool, stay in your hotel, work out, go to the spa treatment, even ride a roller coaster or two, go to the club, or go to the playground. This is a Paradise for everyone to just have fun and hang out with buddies and friends. Updates come rapidly, be sure to check this game out every once in awhile, you won't regret this important information.

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  • Fort Bolt! [Main Base]

    Lightning*Battalion's Fort Bolt! This is our main base.

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  • The Cave Adventure! [Obby]

    This is The Cave Adventure! Every obstacle in the game includes Lava! VIP: http://www.roblox.com/VIP-For-The-Cave-Adventure-item?id=71666876 If you join my group, Lightning*Battalion, you will get access into the L*B room. Skips steps for you.

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  • Castle Wars (Classic)

    Be part of the Nature Kingdom, Magma Armada, or the Frost Mages. Fight each other in hand-to-hand combat with extreme skills. VIP coming soon. Team "Lightning Storm" coming soon.

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  • Fort Electo! [RAID]

    This is Lightning*Battalion's Fort Electo! Our enemies can raid here!

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  • Ultimate Insert Wars By LightningMaster2121

    Now there is a map and a new, better, picture! Join My New Super Fan Club!

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  • Lightning*Battalion Training Grounds

    Here you can train to get promoted. You can train here whenever you want. To get a promotion, a Major, Warlord, or the Leader has to be in your server. Here you can test plane skills, train with swords, discover the powers of Lightning*Battalion, and double team combat. To find out how to rank up, and the requirements, ask a Major, Warlord, or the Leader.

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  • Giant Pie Obby. [10% Done]

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  • RO-Pong! (GUI Game).

    Play RO-Pong! The hottest new ROBLOX Pong GUI game. Play Pong against a computer player. You can set your opponent to Hard, or Easy, on the main menu. Also change your GUI's color with the Theme Selection, which is located to the left when playing. Have something else to do while playing RO-Pong? Use the pause button to freeze the GUI. Check them out! Don't like RO-Pong, tell me why. Also tell what updates are needed for this. I'm sorry, but if you don't like the old games, that's your loss. The old games are here to keep it classic, and that is exactly why RO-Pong was created!

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  • Lightning*Battalion Meeting Place

    Where the high ranks meet and discuss about wars. Low ranks can come and help out too, and maybe even get a promotion.

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  • Lite's Work Presentation!

    You can come here and see some of my work! If I am in your server, I might tell you the features of some of the outstanding things in here.

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  • Roleplay como um ROBLOXiano Minúsculo! [ADMIN!]

    VIP: http://www.roblox.com/VIP-For-RPAATR-item?id=51508933 ■ ■ ADMINISTRO: http://www.roblox.com/Admin-For-RPAATR-item?id=71946154 ■ ■ Bem-vindo a um dos mais recentes roleplays que já saíram! Neste roleplay, você é um ROBLOXianzinho! Você pode viajar pela casa e investigar essa casa mal-humorada! Sem namoro on-line, o que leva a banimentos instantâneos! De um script, não de mim! Comentários não são permitidos devido a muitos spammers! Não, comentários não serão devolvidos.

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  • Hover Board Capture The Flag! (Classic)

    Sword Fight, and Capture The Flag, while on a Hover Board! Yes, the Hover Boards do look insanely epic. Black based hover boards are very fast. Hit the space bar to go faster on black based hover boards. Red and blue hover boards are slow. Hit the space bar on the Red And Blue Hover boards to slow down, a lot.

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