
  • “Our Victories are Endless”

    The Western Powers each return attempt at a futile attempt of Victory, only to witness an even stronger and powerful blow each and every time. Opposition to Nerferdude will forever be inevitable, as the community will forever be binded through defiance to Western domination over our culture, our people, and most of all our aesthetics. Death to the Western Menace, Long Live the Eastern Worker!

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  • “Victory over the East”

    Taishiro for the past two Months ruled over Japan with an authoritarian fist. Any opposition he punished, and without hesitation he believed he could rule over Eastasia with his mighty Japanese Empire. But with the return of new Eastasian Superstate, Taishiro have learned of his arrogance being only bliss, and that his harsh iron-fist upon the Koreans and Japanese alike, have led to his very own demise. Now with a new Superpower ruling over Asia, Peace and Prosperity can coexist between all Asians alike. Forever, we are loyal to the Supreme Leader, because Forever, the Supreme Leader will maintain Peace and Balance across Asia. MANSE!

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  • "The Authoritarian Coalition"

    On March 28th 2020, A coalition was agreed upon the The Supreme State of Greater Austria and the Imperial Japanese Federation resulting in the alliance of the two nations.

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  • "Rise of the Eastasian Superstate"

    The Imperial Japanese Federation is a confederation of noble houses united by language, culture and most of all, political interest. The federation was formed shortly after the Japanese Revolution when the pro-Imperial and pro-Shogun clans were forced to compromise on a confederation of representatives from noble families serving the Emperor after it became apparent that the western powers wished to impose further unequal treaties on the Japanese people.

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