

    ❄ Welcome to SKY FORTRESS [Obby]! ❄ This game is a just like a normal obby, but with a twist - it's very cold 🧊🧊. You have to make sure you don't run out of heat and freeze to death 🥶! Fortunately, there are lots of safe zones where you can warm up 🔥🔥. But try to reach the next one as fast as you can 💨💨! The obby's progression is like a difficulty chart obby, it starts off easy but slowly gets harder 💢. If you've played games like Sky's Difficulty Chart Obby, Master's Difficulty Chart Obby, or Clock's Difficulty Chart Obby, you'll definitely love SKY FORTRESS! 💖💖 👍 The game gets very difficult, so if you find yourself unable to beat a stage, please don't dislike the game. ⭐ Don't forget to share the game with your friends if you like it, and have fun scaling the SKY FORTRESS! difficulty chart obby, impossible obby, easy obby, hard, parkour, challenge, difficult, impossible, sky fortress, dco, jtoh, intense, remorseless, dco, fun, wrap, truss, one jump, no jump, jtoh

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  • Hydro's Difficulty Chart Obby

    MOVED THE GAME TO GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/games/9266470549/Hydros-Difficulty-Chart-Obby

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  • Dropper of Death

    ❗ Note: This game has many dislikes because of ragequitters. Please don't dislike the game. ❗ 💎 This game is like Tower of Hell, but it's a DROPPER!! Can you escape the chaos and survive the fall? 💎 🔻 Descend to the bottom of the randomized dropper (and don't die) and be the first to win! 🔻 Get points! Buy power-ups! Buy trails! Unlock worlds! This game is based off of Tower of Hell. V3.2 - 3.5: Trails Added, Trail bugs fixes, and seat bug fix, shop remake, and timer shortened! V1 - 3.1: Old Version. hydraxic - Scripter, Creator, Builder SlightlyNatural - Dropper Builder Tags: Tower, Dropper, Obby, Parkour, Climb, Tower of Hell, Tower Obby, Dropper Tower, Dropper of Hell, Fall of Hell, Dropper of Death, The Dropper, Fall, Dropper, rainbow obby dropper, dropper of hell, dropper of death, fall of hell, the dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper, dropper

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  • [Correção de bug + limpeza de dados (desculpe)] Simulador de teclado

    Lamento muito pela limpeza de dados. ❗ POR FAVOR, NÃO DESGOSTE DO JOGO POR CAUSA DE UM BUG. ESTE JOGO AINDA ESTÁ NA VERSÃO BETA. ❗ 🏝 NOVAS ILHAS QUE PODEM SER DESCOBERTAS!! 🏝 🥇🥇 Use seu teclado para ganhar moedas, comprar teclados melhores, renascer e chegar ao topo! 🥇🥇 💪 Use seu teclado para ganhar pontos! 💸 Venda prensas por moedas para melhorar os teclados! ⭐ Renascimento para aumentar seu multiplicador! 📑 Seu progresso é salvo automaticamente! 📑 ⭐👍 CERTIFIQUE-SE DE CURTIR E ADICIONAR O JOGO AOS FAVORITOS. ⭐👍 Este jogo está em andamento. Créditos: 2ydro - Criador, Construtor, Roteirista Draxzified - Ícone do jogo

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