
  • World of Noka

    Welcome to the world of Noka! Here you will find colorful buildings, splendid ocean views, the wonderful "Lake of Akon", people to befriend or fight, awsome places to hang out, and secrets a plenty!~~I made everything here except scripts and a few other things, otherwise I built this entire place myself. Thanks to Gannondude for a few things (Can't ruin secrets now can I?). Gannondude is an awsome builder and scripter, without him this place probably would not be made.

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  • Rage Ghost Resting Place (Under Construction)

    (Date-5000 B.C.)The Ghost of Rage was the strongest spirit in the underworld and the human world, it planned to take over the human world and then use the humans as soliders to then take over the underwrold as well. But then a hero with a truely pure heart fought the Ghost of Rage and inprisoned it in the Grave of Rage for 100,000 years. Sadly the hero was sacraficed while imprisoning the spirit.---Current Date-5000---

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  • Battle of the Darkness

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  • Destroy the building.(Update: Train)(Read desc)

    A basic destroy the building game.Bread co. regens every 2 mins.~~~~~Get the code right and you get balefire and a tele to train.~~~~~NEW: Train madness!You can now take a train into the building!But...you have to walk to it first!The walk is 4 baseplates long.Good luck.~~~~~~~If you advertise on my comments list you are banned from the game and reported, and if I get alot of advertisements I'll shutdown the comment board.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

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  • Mobile Fight on the Heights

    Two teams fight it out while being driven in a car thats over 100 studs high! Fight it out with rockets, bombs, swords, and also any gear you have as well(Except Building Tools). The game restarts every 5 minutes, so try to stay alive that long or you'll have to ground fight.~~~Soon to come, traps on ground.

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  • Mine Cart Maddness![28% Done]

    Mine Cart Maddness!A wild and un-tamed mine!This mine extracted diamonds!If your lucky you may just stumble upon some of these diamonds!Beware of where you are though, you might get lost or die from things that made this mine abandoned!

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  • Simply Smashing [Theme-Wood]

    OK this is how it goes no rules, except no curseing, you can team with people and you are aloud to destroy anything you want here if some one tells you not to you don't have to listen to them just do whatever you want, that means the only time ANYONE should be reported here is if they curse, otherwise there should be no reporting or messaging me that some one is being mean cuz here the ROBLOX rules of tking and sking are gone this is paradise to those who love to break the rules.~~~~~say regen to regen the platform.~~~Now and then I'll make a theme for the place or just something to add to it so keep your eyes open for new themes~~~~~Have fun.

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  • ~My Zone~

    My Zone is a place just to hang out for now, soon it will have even more, but for now just the basic place is here, when I get time I'll add more.~~~Everything made by me, except the trees and mesh. Thank you to those who made them.~~~I used the wood on the river and the waterfall because it looks like a nice current too.

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