
  • World Showcase

    A place where I show off some of the things I've made for fun! If one or more interests you, let me know!

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  • Dungeon demo beta thing

    Based on games like Fate and The Legend of Zelda, this is a top-down dungeon. I'm not working on this anymore and it's probably really broken. Expect empty and unfinished rooms too.

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  • Ground-Zero: DEMO

    So you know, a lot of the sounds have been removed by Roblox at this point and I won't be replacing them. Still a fun tech demo though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ =====[This game has been discontinued until further notice] It serves as an unpolished demo of what the full game may have been like. There will be no bug fixes or updates to the game and the overall quality doesn't reflect the finished project. =====[Description] You arrive by train in the once great "Aether City". In light of a worldwide pandemic however, the city now serves as a dark hub for the forces of the SFC who control both it, and the only cure. Left with no choice, you must crawl your way through dark alleys and infested tunnels to escape the dying city. But by what means, what cost, and will you have the foresight to see it through?

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  • Project Aerodrive

    A Mario Kart-type racing game on a Sci-fi track. This was previously a project I was hired to create, then never paid for... So here it is until I decide what to do with it.

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  • (Broken) LEGO Universe [BETA]

    Unfortunately, Roblox has broken this game. It was lots of fun while it lasted, and I had a lot of fun making it! LEGO Universe will always be a fond memory. Thanks for your support!

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  • Placeholder Game

    A placeholder for games I'm currently developing, because you can't change Game Settings in a local place, among other things. Everything from CrossTheLine to Ground-Zero has been developed here!

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  • 토마토 소스: 오리진-ISM

    친구를 위해 만든 싱글 플레이어 호러 게임입니다. --=============================-- 평생 다른 어떤 것과도 비교할 수 없는 고대의 힘을 찾아 헤매던 탐험가의 입장에서 달리고, 숨고, 탐험하세요! 권력의 마지막 대가들의 묻힌 폐허, 퍼즐, 함정을 헤쳐나가세요. 하지만 주의하세요, 당신은 혼자가 아닙니다. 그곳이 묻힌 데에는 이유가 있습니다. --=============================-- 이 게임에는 많은 내부 농담과 참고 자료가 포함되어 있습니다. 누구나 충분히 플레이할 수 있지만, 이해가 되지 않는 부분이 있다면 아마도 당신을 위한 것이 아닐 것입니다.:) 게임을 처음 시작할 때도 상당히 어렵습니다. 그러나 시행 착오를 통해 수행해야 할 작업을 알고 나면 금방 쉬워집니다. 아무것도 베팅하지 않았고 결국 아무것도 얻지 못했습니다!

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  • CrossTheLine

    [BIG UPDATE IN PROGRESS | Please be patient] -------------------- CrossTheLine is a fast-paced parkour/puzzle game. In this game, you play as a Guy. Your goal? To get across a bright yellow line at the end of a room! Crossing it sounds easy, huh? Well, it is! It's getting to the end of said room that's the "fun" part... -------------------- [Check the update channel for update notes] [This game saves your progress, yay!] The game was made by me and Tbramblet as a gift for a friend. It was literally made in a week and has later received updates!

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  • PortalG -Multiplayer testing

    A fun test running on an old version of "PortalG", the core-system I use to make all my games. This is very old and buggy! If something breaks, reset, and if that doesn't work, rejoin. I'm leaving it open because it can still be fun with a small group!

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  • Venture-2

    [Update 0.2] - Rewrote every script in the game and got rid of 98% of bugs too! - Unlocked the "Reset" button at most parts of the game (Use it if you get stuck or something breaks) [Set your graphics quality to 8 or higher for all effects to appear properly] This was made in three weeks as my entry into a contest me and my brothers did to see who could make the best FPS "space game" before Christmas. It was released on Monday, December 24, 2018. WARNING! If you can move your mouse in the "Wake up" intro or can go into 3rd person: Quit the game and rejoin. It happens sometimes.

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  • Mbramblet's Lighting World

    A place where I experimented building my own custom lighting and shadows before ShadowMap or Future lighting existed. I called it "Part-Metric Lighting".

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  • ᴘʀ⚙️ᴊᴇᴄᴛ ᴘ🌀ʀᴛᴀʟ

    A fun project I finished a long time ago, and then Roblox instantly broke... Still cool to look at though.

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  • Zom place

    "fight in a zombie city" This the very first game I ever made, way back when I didn't know how to use Roblox studio! I have no idea if it still works, but meh.

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