
  • 차오르는 용암에서 살아남으세요! 클래식

    Dzwsin의 Survive The Ring Lava!는 재미있게 만든 고전적인 스타일의 게임입니다. 다른 플레이어와 경쟁하여 서버의 높은 점수를 기록하고 바닥에 도달하십시오. 그리고 가장 중요한 것은 생존하십시오! 이 게임은 더 이상 나 Dzwsin이 추억의 이유로 3.0 업데이트를 유지하고 싶어 업데이트를 받지 않습니다. 다른 버전이 생성되면 자체 경험이 있습니다.

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  • Modern Home Tycoon

    0.5.3 Change-log: Fixed wrong texture on garage, smoothed out road and grass, added an ocean to create a horizon, Removed welcome message and version indicator, added run/walk gui placeholder Vip: Links no longer work, sorry. Will fix. Free models used - furniture - tycoon starting kit - car - garage door

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  • Miami Skatepark™

    I'm keeping this game posted for Nostalgia. I know its not all that great but it was my first game ever. Feel free to check it out. Original description below, contents void. (Notice the terrible grammar lol) -Dzwsin. _______________________________________________ ●V.I.P _______________________________________________ beat my high score if 3240 and u get a perment admin but u hav to hav proof, whitnesses, or pm me to come see _______________________________________________ i have admin thx to kobboy98 4 helping me get admin _______________________________________________ miami sk8 t-shirt at: vip at: #################################################################################################################### i made most of this by hand,4 proof you can check my models if you want ^_^ _______________________________________________ send me a pm or post a comment if u have an idea, im open to sugjustions :D _______________________________________________admins a

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  • Roblox And Chill - A Sandbox

    This game was originally my nooby free model hangout place for me and any friends. I decided to update it in 2020 to combine all my unfinished games and showcase models I built back in the day. Aside from random junk scattered around, I'll be adding in future models I make, games I don't finish, or whatever I feel like. This game is not intended to be a polished fun game. Its more like a creative sandbox that will grow as I want to try new things. Lastly, I left in my childish spelling errors for nostalgia. Don't take anything in this game seriously.

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  • DevTest Land

    Here is where I do my thing behind the scenes.

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