
  • R.B.A HQ (95% complete)

    This base is now raid-able. But I don't recommend it. I did not add the vehicles so raids will take hours. Construction time: 2 years Things left to do: -Add vehicles Reasons for making new H.Q: -Last base was free modeled -Last base was lagging -Last base was poorly built -Want to test out my building skills

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  • R.B.A Fort [Best Place To Raid]

    To win the raid you must capture and hold the flag inside the base for 20 minuets. R.B.A wins if we take the raider flag and hold it for 5 seconds. You get only 30 minuets to raid. If you fail R.B.A wins. There must be at least 5 R.B.A members there and one has to be a Major+. Rules: -No auto-wins -No flaming -No glitching -No hacking -No raiders can use R.B.A's vehicles or auto-win These rules are based on most bases. They use unfair advantages that the raiders have to try to beat but it is almost impossible. This base is almost impossible to win. We have the planes, helis, and superior weapons. Like most groups. Now if you want to have a fair fight then schedule a battle with R.B.A at the R.B.A Warzone. If you go there you will see everything there is even. Fair battles are the only way to show true skill.

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  • R.B.A Meeting Center

    R.B.A goes here to have meetings.

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    PRESS F ON M4A1 FOR GRANDE LAUNCHER! The grande launcher can destroy the tanks. TO CHANGE TEAMS: To join R.B.A say "join reds" (WITH THE S) To join the enemy team say "join blues" Ways To Win: Capture all of the 5 flags or get 100 KOs. Rules for Battles: 1.No Team Killing 2.No Afterlife Killing 3.No Visits While Battle Is Going On Glitches: -Pistol doesn't give you KO's

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  • R.B.A Training

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