
  • Ambience

    It can make a simple structure seem amazing and or mysterious. Just a test with particles, fog, and light.

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  • GamemasterFelix7's #1 Place

    This was my first idea on ROBLOX and made it as fun as I could and axcept all friend request. Tell me what i need to add and i mite add it to this place. Tell me if there are any complaints a nd i will anser them. Also Dialga,Palkia,and Arucues morps dont work well but every thing else duse. Have Fun!!!!!!!!!!.Mew admins comming soon!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [_]레트로 타이쿤[_] 출시 예정

    업데이트가 출시되거나 완료되기 전에 업데이트를 사용해 보시겠습니까? 여기에서 테스트하세요: http://www.roblox.com/games/257936277/Retro-Tycoon-Update-Preview _______________________ 좋아요 및 코멘트는 높이 평가됩니다. 이것은 코멘트를 살펴볼 때 적절한 피드백을 허용합니다. _______________________ 버그를 발견하면 저에게 연락하십시오. _______________________ 현재 버그: 없음 _______________________ 다음 업데이트에 있을 예정: ---------------------------- 새로운 장애물 추가 예정. ---------------------------- 2개의 층이 추가됩니다. ---------------------------- 타이쿤을 위한 더 많은 장식 아이템. ---------------------------- 더 많은 배지! 장애물 완료 및 돈 ---------------------------- 더 잘 생긴 맵 (더 이상 평평한 베이스 플레이트를 사용하지 않음!)

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  • Retro Tycoon Update Preview

    Time to make a changelog as I work on this, just so people can see if any progress has been made.Ran out of room for updates, will post them elsewhere. Will only keep daily updates for now on. Status: Stable 7-31-15 @ 11:46: Re-balanced prices for White and Black machines. Both machines and upgrades cost cheaper and have prices proportional to other machines, as well as prices that lead up the purchase of the second room. Second floor access now purchasable, comes with free carpet. 7-31-15 @ 12:37: Fixed prices for Black and White machines. Prices back to multiples of 5. 7-31-15 @ 17:51: Added 4 new machines to the second floor. These cost more than previous machines, but have a higher payout. Changed Brown to Br. Yellowish Green to match color codes.

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  • Constellation Valley

    Work in Progress. Hoping to hide many secrets. Map is too large to simply walk around, holding Shift lets you run.

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