
  • Mountains of Valengar

    Deep inside the Dragon's Spine Mountains lies the grand city of Valengar. Once a city of Korblox dominion, Lord Valengar of house Valengar led a group of soldiers and took the city in surprise, leading to a quick victory. Now, The mountains lie in RedCliff dominion, though the city itself remains independent of RedCliff control. As you explore these mountains, will you take up a life of crime and rob innocents, or shall you be a hero of the people? Your fate is in your hands, now.

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  • Knights of Redcliff: Fort Honorguard

    Built in 1325 I.R., Fort Honorguard began as a small outpost to watch over the several mining facilities where the Redcliff Knights would gather the infamous redsteel to make their weapons. Shortly after construction on the capital was completed, it was discovered that the ravines in which Fort Honorguard was built could actually be used as a flank to loop around most of Redcliff's protections. Thus, Fort Honorguard took on a big role in defending the kingdom. Today, in 1543 I.R., being assigned here is considered a great honor; for maintaining this position against the Korblox is crucial to Redcliff's survival, and thus only the most skilled warriors are trusted to keep the fort standing.

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  • 레드클리프의 기사: 훈련 전초소 블리스터 샌드

    "더 블리스터링 웨스트 (The Blistering Wastes) "로 알려진 사막 깊숙한 곳에 있는 잊혀진 계곡은 이제 레드클리프 (RedCliff) 가 코르블록스 (Korblox) 와의 다가오는 전쟁을 위해 가장 혹독한 조건에서 견습생들을 훈련시키는 데 사용됩니다. 성공적인 포트 블러드스톤 (Fort Bloodstone) 을 모델로 한 아웃포스트 블리스 (Outpost Blistersand) 는 레드클리프의 기사들의 고향에서 멀지 않은 곳에 설립되었습니다.

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  • 레드클리프의 기사: 캐피탈 시티 레드wick

    레드클리프 기사단의 공식 수도이자 고향입니다. 레드wick에는 레드클리프의 미팅홀과 바드 나이트의 타버나가 있습니다. 이 기간 동안 모든 방문객이 제거됩니다. 모든 병사와 방문객은 도시 한도 내에서 무기를 보관할 것을 요청받습니다. 준수하지 않으면 처벌을 받게 됩니다. *달리기 위해 시동을 길게 눌러주세요! *도시 집행관들은 레드클리프의 HR입니다. 칼날이나 빨간색 랜턴으로 찾아볼 수 있습니다.

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  • Knights of RedCliff: Meeting Hall

    The (official) meeting hall for the legendary, Knights of Redcliff. Here we discuss important pressing matters about the guild with fellow knights and plan for the future of Robloxia. If you are a visitor, please wait for a member of Redcliff to let you into the actual meeting hall. Anyone who has suggestions for what they would like to see here should PM me and I'll see what I can do. Also, on a side note, if you are a member you may spawn inside the visitor room to begin with because I'm terrible with scripting, just go to the menu and select reset, then you'll spawn correctly in the meeting hall. Thank you.

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