
  • 택시 시뮬레이터 2

    모두가 좋아하는 택시 시뮬레이션 게임의 속편에서 고객을 목적지로 데려가고 택시를 업그레이드하여 세상을 구하세요!Taxi Simulator 2에서 더 나은 운전 물리, 더 많은 업그레이드 부품, 더 나은 데미지 등을 즐기세요!

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  • 보스 매니아

    게임이 열렸습니다!HP 바가 있는 상자를 쏴서 보스를 물리치세요!*참고: 업그레이드를 구매한 후 배지를 받기 전에 서버를 떠나지 마십시오. 그렇지 않으면 버그가 발생하여 배지가 제공되지 않아 업그레이드가 손실됩니다.* 최신 업데이트: Guestium Death Machine V2.0에 새로운 업그레이드가 추가되었습니다!컨트롤: F를 눌러 발사하십시오 (모바일에서는 길게 탭하세요) G를 눌러 미니건을 쏘고 마우스로 조준하십시오.

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  • Robot Battles: Complete Destruction

    Have something to say about the game? Tell me here https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=204615974 Follow the clear and obvious directions on the button and seat to start the battle then charge at ## ## opponent with a big spinny thing! Multiplayer has been disabled due to issues with Experimental Mode.

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  • 브릭 카

    차를 세울 때 바퀴가 떨어지나요?충분히 빠른 컴퓨터에서 플레이하고 있는지 확인하세요. 그렇지 않으면 그렇게 될 것입니다.안타깝게도 이 버그는 물리 시스템의 특성상 발생하는 것으로 보이며 수정할 수 없습니다.브릭 카 좋아하세요?팬 그룹에 가입하세요!https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=3108861 최신 업데이트: 날씨 스크립트가 개선되어 이제 건물 안에 있으면 사운드에 영향을 미칩니다!자동차 제어 이동: 화살표 또는 A, W, S, D 경적: H 조명: L 잠금/잠금 해제: ##### 주차해야 차를 잠글 수 있습니다.* 호버 차량 높이 올리기: Q 호버 차량 높이 낮추기: E 돌아다니며 돈을 벌어 더 많은 차를 구입하세요.지도를 만든 Starfury7 (이전 이름은 altair7) 과 빌더와시 ### #### 스크립팅에 감사드립니다.

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  • Brick cars *guest apocalypse edition*

    Guest 9015 has ordered an airstrike on the game brick cars and you are a player GOOD LUCK ;D

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  • Guest 9015's Revenge Mini Game Level

    What is Guest 9015 getting revenge for? Maybe for all those taxi drivers completing his Golden Wall Driver Challenge? Maybe, for the way nobody but David83335 game players know what's so significant about the number 9015? Regardless, Guest 9015 wants revenge. Your goal is to keep him from getting his revenge by launching him back to the guest dimension! GOOD LUCK!!! ;D

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  • The Player Cloner

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  • Bloxformers

    Roblox in disguise... Your life long dream to become a plastic brick is finally coming true! Press T to become a plastic brick, Q to switch weapons and C to copy a nearby color while hovering your mouse over it! Now with more stable sword behavior!

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  • Guest 9015 jet car raceway

    like the sky taxi raceway but with guest 9015's jet car

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  • Sphericle taxi driving

    I like driving on the walls much more then the road.

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  • Sky taxi raceway

    Wondering why this game exists? A little while ago I made a place called taxi simulator that I never made a map for but I had fully scripted cars so I put them here and turned it into a race track. Get a new part for your taxi for every 5 laps you succesfully complete. If you're tired of driving on a boring flat road try this: http://www.roblox.com/Sphericle-taxi-driving-place?id=192728940 Taxi simulator is finished here: http://www.roblox.com/Taxi-simulator-Brick-cars-edition-place?id=192083765

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  • 데이비드 8375의 지하 실험실

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  • 택시 시뮬레이터 (브릭카 에디션)

    이제 택시 시뮬레이터 2가 생겼어요! https://www.roblox.com/games/3068144257/Taxi-Simulator-2 물건을 잃어버렸나요? 상점에서 업그레이드 복원 버튼을 클릭하세요! 공식 택시 시뮬레이터 팬클럽에 가입하세요! https://www.roblox.com/groups/group.aspx?gid=2760732 타이틀에 언급된 원래 벽돌 자동차를 확인하세요! https://www.roblox.com/games/167216658/Brick-cars

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  • David83335's flying car

    V1.3 Removed terrain Controls: W-rocket forward A-rocket left S-rocket back D-rocket right Q-increase turbine power Z-decrease turbine power Arrows-regular car controls The unmodified version of the flying car is a free model. It has been heavily modified to fly and use thruster rockets.

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  • Fly a car 3

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  • David83335 Game Museum

    You can read lots of stuff about David83335 games and get several useful tips about finding things in them here. This museum currently only includes Taxi Simulator.

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  • Local rain demo

    Local rain demo

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  • Flying Boss Battles

    This place is under development. Use Q to add thrust, Z to decrease thrust, and the arrow keys or A, W, S, and D to control your direction.

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  • Inside The David83335 Tower

    *Note this is very new and new floors have yet to be added* Ever wanted to know what's actually inside David83335's tower in the game Brick Cars and Taxi Simulator? Well if you play this you'll ride an elevator through it and find out!

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  • burnout paradise (David83335 style)

    *:D i finally got a place picture* for everyone out there that posted in the comments original by dj crash 7 i wasn't trying to take credit for the map or cars i just wanted to add to a good classic game i know the map and the cars are djcrash7s i just added police car, sparks, breaking lights, breaking windows, dynamic lights, weather, a more advanced day night script, minions, car sounds, did something with that wierd gui that used to say textbox, made a purple minion gear*shadows have always been there theres just now specialized shadows for slower computers just select characters only how to slect below* (shadows have to be enabled manually on some computers to enable click start click roblox studio then click tools then click settings then click rendering then click shadow setting and select all if you have a slower computer select characters only that will only enable specialized car shadows all shadows is very laggy but enables shadows for all games not just the cars on this one

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  • Destroy bridges with your gear

    Destroy this bridge with your gear!

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David83335 님의 작품이 없습니다.