
  • 무한 타워

    무한 타워를 올라가면 얼마나 높은 곳에 도달할 수 있는지 확인할 수 있어요! - 타워가 점점 어려워집니다. - 이벤트 층이 나를 도와주거나 상황을 더 어렵게 만들 수 있어요. - 순위표에 있는 다른 사용자와 경쟁하세요! 현재 43층이 있습니다. 일반 층은 총 9개, 이벤트 층은 총 4개입니다. 커뮤니티 서버에 입장하세요 (소셜 링크 아래에 초대하세요). 마리오11181의 "무한의 탑"에서 영감을 받음.

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  • Profiter's Haven [BETA]

    Profiter's Haven is all about profiting! This isn't your ordinary case opening game: this game is one of the very few ROBLOX profiting games based off of a realistic catalog! Explore a catalog with over 300 items, trade with other players, and more! You can find all new items on the Featured page. DISCLAIMER: Absolutely NO assets from this game will contribute to your ROBLOX account. All "robux," accessories, etc. stay in the game and will not transfer to your actual account. NOTICE: - This game is intended to be played with multiple people. - This game is new and more features are yet to be added. - The transactions and settings are only saved every 2 minutes. Recent update: - New items added to the catalog. - New colors to customize your character with.

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    OCP (Obby Creations Project) has been moved under the Kyle's Productions group. Check out the new place here: https://www.roblox.com/games/9810677537/Obby-Creations-Project The game has also been updated. Map kit: https://www.roblox.com/library/3768318652/Obby-Creations-Map-Kit-v-1 This game was entirely scripted by Ai_Kyle, as well as the lobbies were made by Ai_Kyle. Map developers are credited on the portals.

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  • 로얄 오비

    로얄 오비 2가 출시되었습니다! 다음에서 확인해보세요:https:// www.roblox.com/games/7078391455/Royal-Obby-2 ---------------------------------------------------- 로얄 오비에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 이 오비 유형 대회에서 마지막으로 서있는 사람이 되십시오! 이것은 그 종류 중 가장 어렵습니다. 행운을 빕니다. 커뮤니티의 일부가되기 위해 diszc (소셜 링크에 위치) 에 가입하십시오! 게임용 맵을 만들고 싶습니까? 맵을 제출하는 것을 두려워하지 마십시오! 링크: https:// www.roblox.com/library/2745018118/Royal-Obby-Map-Kit Hieu9152가 디자인한 아이콘. 최근 업데이트: - 크리스마스 테마 로비와 썸네일! - 용암 유적 제거 (Roblox가 벽 클리핑을 패치했기 때문에 용암 유적은 이제 불가능합니다.) - Cliffs를 수정했습니다 (스폰이 맵의 절반을 통과했습니다, 롤, 내 잘못)

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  • The Crusher | Remake [ALPHA]

    Note: This game has been discontinued. Just couldn't be bothered to remake it and fix it up. This game is pretty much a recreation of "The CrusheR". This game took around a week to script. There are currently 17 maps added. More will be coming in future updates! Recent Update: (No recent update recorded.) Want to create a map? Why not give it a try! All submissions are highly appreciated. :) Map kit: https://www.roblox.com/library/2182060125/CR-Map-Kit-v1

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  • Bellezza moderna

    Bellezza moderna is italian for modern beauty. c: Created and scripted by Ai_Kyle

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KyleDominicus 님의 작품이 없습니다.