
  • LoneClan RP

    This will be the LAST time I redo this place >.> Anyways, this place is a place to roleplay as my newest clan, LoneClan. Many, many seasons ago, stray cats of a twolegplace were driven out by twolegs and forced to move here. In an attempt to survive, they created a clan called, LoneClan, because they are pretty much the only clan around. Their leader is known as Hawkstar, played by tuffgirl67 (Asterstar died of old age when tuffgirl67 and I were RPing. I now play as Cottonkit, which is Hawkstar's daughter.). This place is for MY FRIENDS only. (Fun fact: Aster is a root that means "star", so pretty much Asterstar is Starstar. X3)

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