
  • Random Place V3

    so yeah , roblox studio is broken , so i cant work on my projects anymore , and i am losing hope on roblox - all of my projects are on a halt until i can fix my roblox studio ps = lineout , i am still waiting , and i see im not in your friends list heeeeh , when m8? lineout owe's me 1K R$ + bc [ original deal was 10K R$ ]

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  • REAL RACING ᵇᵉᵗᵃ I 1 year anniversary [ LATE ]

    FREE LIMITED TIME BUGATTI [ event special ] THANK YOU TO WHOSE WHO HAS LET ME USE THEIR MODELS , AND THANK YOU FOR THE 28 LIKES i appreciate it! -> ik its late but ye CREDITS Elitemasteraaron1 / alberq BlockGuy5675 Dyontje7 bob40352 IamThrashing sonicfan[number , number ] the new ELITE vehicles are located near the garage , [ sesto NOT recommended ] drift smoke will soon be added to every car in-game , the audio system,THE MUTE BUTTON IS FIXED! -- buying a car requires cash , cars will soon generate money -- a new city will be added soon + my cars + new cars NOTE: walls break cars! - VIP door might sometimes teleport you on to the roof , but keep trying after 4 attempts you will be in the room - this game is being revived - - winter will not end - PM me for what audio to be added WARNING: THE CAR BUY SYSTEM IS A WIP , SO EXPECT CARS BEING SLOW / SPAWNING UNDER THE MAP , IT IS BEING FIXED SOON for VIP's coming soon: VIP ROOM with RAINING

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