
  • Nothing Right Now

    Nothing Right Now

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  • The Defense Department HQ

    This is The Defense Department(TDD)'s HQ where we come up with new ideas for defense tactics and we hunt people down. We are an orgainization that will kill any ROBLOXian at any costs. They will kill their own friends. And if they dont, they shall be ejected from the group and never to be allowed back in unless you have a good reason to join. We're bounty hunters. We're on no team's side. If they need us, we build or help them with their defenses so they can win. We're like hired mercenaries. We're ruthless killers too. We dont just help people with their defenses, we also might get stuck up on a war of our own. So, if you liked reading this, and you wanna join The Defense Department(TDD) then join the group today!!!

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  • The Defense Department Meeting Room

    This is the room where the major leaders of TDD(The Defense Department) go to meet and talk about wars,battles,defense,tactics,etc. Only friends can come but pelase my friends don't visit just to bug us. If you are a major leader in TDD(The Defense Department) then you better send me a friend request quickly because if you don't go to every meeting,unless you have a good reason,then you shall be demoted a rank.

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  • My Personal Labs

    Just labs for me to invent things or stuff.

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