
  • Angel Wars

    Angel to death.....survive?....win?....die.... ------------------------------------------------------ This is created by me and only me do not copy if you do i will find a way to get you. LOL just kiding if you would copy in any way make sure to give me the credit in your title. ------------------------------------------------------ do not cheat at all. The wings allow some glithces such as going throungh the mountains. If i could tell you a clue do not go inside the mountains or buildings. If you do you might have trouble getting back out. This doesnt include the castles. If the ko script gets messed up dont tell me just go and fight ------------------------------------------------------ want to know how to fly Use mouse click to fly, n/m to hover, c to default speed, x to lower speed, v to increase speed, b to increase speed by 10, z (I think) to decrease by 10.

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