
  • Youri Province

    Actions taken in this map are not canon to the map owned by drew00998

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  • Malin (Dead RP)

    This place is guaranteed to never get finished. That said, I'm probably still going to throw in an update or two just to work on it whenever I'm absolutely bored out of my mind just because I've already put in a good amount of effort into this place to make it what it is now. Currently working on: -Configure physics-based objects to fit the new physics. -Admin script -Extending the caves -Landscaping the overground -City construction (Currently: The wall - guard tower design) -Other tasks for future construction Many thanks to: -asimo3089 -TecmagDiams -Zombie496 -sora120 -GrayRainbows -drew00998 -yoshi132465 -pork -Dyura -And more

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  • A blank digital plane, of which I love to stab.

    I wanted to name this "A blank digital plane, of which I love to stab with cyber forks." Because that would've gone better with the old name. But unfortunately, that was too long of a name and Roblox didn't like that.

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  • Malin RP Things

    I'm going to make a Steampunk RP place based on several time periods and otherwise.

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