
  • Admin Abuse

    Kill everyone D:

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  • Admin Fun and More

    Message me to give you tools must message me ill will chack your Inventory to see if you bought my stuff warning i have full authority over this if you decide you think can over rule me or my friends wrong I will punish,kick,demote, and or ban you Khol admin shirt--- http://www.roblox.com/Kohls-Admin-in-my-place-item?id=117796034 (WARNING :s script without my authority wil result in bann) Tools shirt-- http://www.roblox.com/Tools-shirt-item?id=117795911 Admin abuse shirt--- http://www.roblox.com/Admin-Abuse-item?id=117797580 :s script is still bann Lets see Buy admin shirt for Khol's admin admin abuse to abuse admin on random noobs and if u buy admin abuse u need to buy admin shirt to admin abuse+admin Shirt will let u abuse noobs and it gives 2 admin LuaModelMaker's admin and Khols admin ; for Lua cmds eg., ;cmds :for Khols eg., :cmds Admins so far Awesome5241, megasemiguy,Lucktron more

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