
  • revolution in the office

    in the middle of the desert, you are working for a company that sells plots of land. unfortunately, the company is barely turning a profit. you and your co-workers all think you can run the place better than your boss, but can you successfully overthrow your boss? need at least 2 people to play, full servers are better

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  • match a specific number simulator

    NOTICE: lots of screen shaking aka dead meme game a silly little rags-to-riches game about rng and being afk, go into the tutorial room in the game to learn more greatly inspired by da amazing bunker simulator and office simulator

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  • 잘못된 집 [18 엔딩]

    게임에 대한 컨텐츠를 만드는 모든 사람들에게 감사! 실수로 배달 된 패키지를 이웃에게 돌려주는 게임 아침 4시에 스틱살에 의해 스낵을 얻음에 큰 영감을 받았습니다. 그래픽 3 개 이상에서 가장 잘 플레이

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