
  • 피노토리엄 2017

    File saved and archived by Darhex, and for those who care: Created by Dopadream, back in summer of 2017. Personally, I have many fond memories from these times, though that might not be the same for everyone. This place was completely built from the ground up on an "old Roblox restoration site" which used 2010, or later 2012 clients at the time. I somehow ended up being Co-Owner of this project and kept this place file only to upload it here years later. The place stopped progression shortly after the 2012 client release due to less interest, Dopadream leaving the site, and self-hosted servers being removed. Attempts were made to bring it back with "Finotorium 2", though it didn't last due to MY loss of interest. During Finotorium's peak, we had an average of 15-25 players playing at once (builders had to be trusted because of consistent griefs).

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