
  • PBRF: 재창조됨

    비공식 프로젝트, 대부분 그냥 쇼케이스 빌드입니다. 더 이상 실제로 작업하지 않지만 여전히 꽤 멋지다고 생각합니다. 크레딧: 스크립트 - imskyyc & Teo_O781 빌딩 - Me & whrathlord 아트 - 평형의 저주 & 아누Cat

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    An old project of mine, I stopped building for this project fairly quickly as I drew my attention away from it. Its not very good but feel free to look around it This is basically the agency map from CSGO just made in Roblox in (mostly) full detail, the place is currently bigger than normal Roblox characters but I will probably size it down once it's finished. I don't intend to have this fully scripted, only the essential things, like doors and possibly lights.

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