
  • 웃 Clone yourself 웃

    EPIC. The original, Clone yourself! Beware Clone Yourself immitators. Step into the cloning machines to clone. Use the "Clone control" tool to make your clones walk. If you see someone abusing admin, report them to me, and I will get to the bottom of it and find a suitable punishment. Admin can use the command script. Say commands (while admin) to see the commands. Cheaper Admin: http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=10898517 Admin shirt:http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=10662814 Super Admin shirt: http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=10641174

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  • The S.S. Paradise Cruise Ship

    This is still under construction, I am still adding things to this. Welcome aboard the S.S. Paradise! Where you'll dine in luxury and enjoy a relaxing cruise as you gaze at the crystal clear waters below. Ahh.. this is paradise.

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  • Cyber Paintball

    Great thanks to Miked for the map. I took Miked's classic Paintball game, and turned it into this cool new cyber game. Feel free to take this and use it as a place. ------How to play: Equip paintball gun. Press "q" to change modes, "r" to get out a paint grenade and "c" to hit opponents with the gun. Make sure your two bodies are touching for best success with melee attacks. KOs are worth 10 points, deaths are -4, teamkills are -8, staying in the "hill" (Yellow patch in very middle) earns 2 points every few seconds. Say "suicide" to respawn.

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  • Spam/Maintanance Shelter + Chatroom

    Ideal for when noobs are spamming the forums. Also good as a maintanance shelter. High tech and secure. For some rooms, you will need a certain level card to get in, ranging 1-5. Still under construction.

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  • Badge testing for Clone yourself

    If I get builders club, I will add badges to my Clone Yourself place. This is where I am testing. Stay out.

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