
  • [NEW!] Skating In HollyWood

    A Skate Park In The Middle Of HollyWood! This is my best game I've made so far. Ok maybe Skate Park 2.0 is a little better... No this one is. ------------------------------------------------------------- Current replacement for Red vs. Blue vs. Yellow vs. Green. Enjoy!

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  • Volcano Sword Fights

    I'm back! This is yet again, another type of Red Vs. Blue Vs. Yellow Vs. Green! Fight to the death while walking upon an active VOLCANO! Have fun! :D [Update 1] Added Melee weapon Gear for more fun. [Update 2] Added spawn points inside volcano. For an even harder battle! [Update 3] Removed allowed Melee weapons. [Update 4] Added trusses inside volcano. [Update 5] Added Melee weapon Gear for more fun again. [Update 6] Added Gears: Navigation enhancers and Personal transport [Update 7] Allowed Melee weapons, Navigation enhancers and Personal transport. Genre: All [Update 8] Removed Genre: All. Changed back to Fighting Genre. [Update 9] Removed Gear: Navigation enhancers. [Update 10] Removed Gear: Personal transport [Update 11] Added Genre: All. Allowed Gear: Navigation enhancers. [Update 12] Removed Genre: All. Changed Genre to Fighting. Removed Gear: Navigation enhancers.

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  • 레드 VS.블루 대.그린 대.옐로우

    [콘텐츠 실수로 삭제됨] 토바스쿠스 연주!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCWobGHvgr8 [이제 더 빠른 로켓으로!] 지연 문제로 인해 더 빠른 로켓을 제거했습니다. 빅 업데이트!이제 안개와 함께! 지연 문제로 인한 안개를 제거했습니다. 추가 플레이트를 추가하고 블루 타워의 다리를 수정했습니다. 로켓이 빠를수록 플레이어를 죽이기는 어려워지지만 둠스파이어를 파괴하기는 더 쉬워집니다. 기부해 주세요!카탈로그에서 장비를 구매하는 대신 게임 페이지에서 장비를 구매하여 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.저한테는 정말 큰 의미가 있을 거예요!카탈로그에서 무언가를 구매할 생각이라면 알려주세요. 해당 장비를 게임 페이지에 추가하겠습니다.정말 고마워요!평화. 피자 무비 록 1324

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  • Bricktop Battle [READ DESC]

    Battle on the Bricktops! [I know the teams are all messed up. I just don't want to spend another 40 Robux to fix the tumbnails.

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  • The Longest Obby On Roblox Returns!

    It's back! With even MORE than before!

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