
  • Dawn Of Destructias! (Showcase)

    Welcome to Dawn Of Destructias! This a showcase place made by RangeMeludE so full credit to him: https://www.roblox.com/users/1422248/profile About the game: This was going to be RangeMeludE next generation RPG game but unfortunately he didn't have time to finish it and also lost interest in continuing with it. I can't remember how much I payed him to get this so many years ago but it was quite a lot. Unfortunately for me I kinda forgot I had this and so I've want people to see what he could of done with it. Enjoy it and again full credit to RangeMeludE. :D

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  • The Space Station (Tycoon) V0.9.5

    Welcome to The Space Station. The Year is 3116, You were is asleep in stasis in your space station until you woke up due to the alarms going. You didn't know what was happening and suddenly a loud noise came thundering down onto you. You closed your eyes because you were scared of what was about to come. You finally woke up and looked around. You found yourself alive but didn't know why. You could breath air even though there was nothing. You look down on the floor and notice a damaged screen that showed you that your space station got hit by meteors from a meteor shower. From here this is where your story begins...... The machines/ droppers are only temporary. Will be changed soon! I hope you enjoy this game so far like the other ones I make. :)

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  • 모던 비치 하우스

    모던 비치 하우스에 오신 것을 환영합니다!작은 현대 도시도 있습니다! 이 모델은 많은 사람들이 그곳에서 사용하고 싶어하는 매우 인기있는 비치 하우스입니다.안타깝게도 이 모델은 수년 동안 잠긴 모델이었는데 무료 모델 버전이 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. DJ 룸이 수정되었습니다.Roblox는 저작권이 있는 모든 음악을 금지하기로 결정했기 때문입니다. 실행하려면 Shift 키를 누릅니다. 4vhs가 만든 썸네일입니다. 게임의 크롬 자동차가 수정되어 제 모델에도 적용되었습니다!

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