
  • gawd's awful towers

    NOTE: i've left a message regarding this game on the gat group wall, take a look at it here https://www.roblox.com/groups/5188221/gawds-awful-towers#!/about (9/29/23) HEF's client objects have been fixed thanks to a bug report. even nearly a year later i still miss this if you wanted something worse than any tower based obby game, youve come to the right place this game consists of the most absolutely horrendous towers to exist btw join our group if you want to lol https://www.roblox.com/groups/5188221/gawds-awful-towers#!/about also SEIZURE WARNING this game is filled to the brim with flashing images gat is currently in beta, which means nearly anything can be changed at any time (no we wont wipe data or anything like that lol) (and to the -2 people that play on xbox you can dance clip using the Y button) ok bye

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  • GAT: 클래식 존

    오래된 갓에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 석기 시대로 거슬러 올라가거나 인기가 느리게 올라가거나, 모든 것이 훨씬 간단했습니다. 이 곳에서는 갓 (Gat) 이 만들어진 2019년 중반으로 돌아간 것처럼 갓을 체험할 수 있습니다. 참고: 대부분의 스크립트는 변경되지 않았습니다.버그가 예상됨

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  • 점프 연습TM

    "거리가 고통받고 있다" - IDK 내가 만들었어요 알았어요. 기본적으로 무한+ 사람들은 2구역에서 z 연습을 하고 싶어 해요. 자, 여기로 가요.

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  • Tower of Abandoned Factories

    READ BEFORE PLAYING: unfortunately, this tower has been cancelled, due to 3 main reasons: a. this tower would never pass with jtoh's standards today b. ive lost most motivation to work on this tower and c. gat is now my main focus in terms of making things if you really want to pick up this tower and revamp it dm me, ill be happy to let someone finish this -------- every jump has been tested by yours truly (me lol) and is possible so good luck -------- things to note: ill add more detail once im finished also yes music will be added ok stop askignm i will add a few skips when im done so yeah

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