
  • RPG Dialogue

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  • Scotophobia

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  • Idk Yet

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  • Saldor's Lab (Old)

    'cause science, yes.

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  • [TWE] [RAID] Outpost 14

    A small outpost of the empire keeping watch over the factories and ammo depots of Mechina. The outpost has never seen battle, until now. As we speak, insurgents are attempting to take the outpost. If the outpost is taken down, the empire will lose control over thousands of factories and ammo depots. The majority of raiding rules are ingame, but the main rule you'll want to know, is that your raid is not official if at any time there are less than 2 raiders or 2 TWE/Allies. If you win the raid, and it was official, then a message will pop onto your screen. Take a screenshot OF YOUR WHOLE SCREEN, send it to Saldor010, and your raid will be counted. Want to join us? Click here! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1208086

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  • BLOX Emergency Room (CANCELLED)

    (This game has replaced City of Destruction. Don't worry, that game is not going away, it will come back in the rotation soon.) - This game is no longer being worked on. Sorry. I will leave it in my active places for those of you who still play it - You work as a doctor in the emergency room of BLOX Hospital. When you first start your job, you will mostly be dealing with scratches and ant bites. But as you get better, worse and worse cases will come in. Can you heal the citizens of Roblox before it's too late? I'm always updating this, so stay tuned!

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  • The City of Destruction

    (This game has replaced BLOX Emergency Room, since I know people want to play both games. BLOX Emergency Room will come back soon, but in the meantime, please enjoy this game.) Join T.W.E. today! We're a Sci-Fi, high technology war group that needs some flesh, active blood! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1208086

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  • My Sandbox

    Because why not?

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  • [TWE] Engineering Facility

    No, you're not allowed in.

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  • [TWE] Fort Aurora

    -[ FORT AURORA IS NOT BEING USED AS AN OFFICIAL FORT OF TWE AT THIS TIME ]- Fort Aurora is a training center for TWE. It is a non-raidable place, and if you show up here just to make trouble, you will be promptly removed from the game. (Taser abuse will not be tolerated. If you believe a midrank or higher is abusing the taser, please PM Saldor010 with evidence of abuse.) Want to join us? Click here! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1208086

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  • Minigame Chaos! v1.1

    (If you encounter any bugs or glitches, or just have a suggestion, please PM me) Yes, it's back and better than ever! You and up to five other people race against the clock to win minigame after minigame! You'll have to dodge moving spikes, jump over burning crates, navigate through factories and walk down Death's Hall! Sure, you may be a master when it comes to these simple games, but just wait until a Chaos Round pops its ugly head into the rotation! Those minigames that used to be a simple "Extreme" difficulty, are now harder than ever imagined! Deal with challenges such as having all of your hard earned tools and powerups be taken away, having to complete the minigame in 20 seconds, and many more evil challenges! But what will the prize be at the end?? However, you only have 60 seconds per minigame, so you better hurry up and start playing!

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