
  • Woodland Wonderland

    Survive in a old village from other people, other creatures, and other harmful things. Look for supplies to take out the beings who dare enter the village. Work together to take out foes, or fight each other.

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  • Project BBMG4 (WIP)

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  • Trouble in the Tank

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  • Connect 'Em

    Play alone, or with friends. Just a game of Connect 'Em.

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  • Those They Tower (Early Access)

    An FPS tower defense.

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  • グラビティ・ブレイク-1/3


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  • Fluttershy's Lovely Home

    WARNING: This game is very old, but the Icon is new. Fluttershy invites you over to her house for a playdate, look around the house while Fluttershy walks you through! A great game for those who want a friendly peaceful game they can play! Try Boss Battle Mini-Games 1 & 2: 1: http://www.roblox.com/games/163030482/Boss-Battle-Mini-Games-1-0 2:##ttp://www.roblox.com/games/267895886/Boss-Battle-Mini-Games-2-0 Color Crushers: Turf Wars Game! Fight: http://www.roblox.com/games/219223500/Color-Crushers-New Try Sunder Tale and Fight Sans: Sunder Tale: http://www.roblox.com/games/157381154/Sunder-Tale-Pacifist-Sans-Fight-V2 Guide: (1).Go to Fluttershy (2).Go inside house (3).Go to pictures on the wall (4).Go to bed room, then exit when you want to (5).Go to kitchen, then get the glass of water in the sink (6).Go near the door, the door will open to leave (7).Go to the main door and exit, get close to open it (8).Go to outside fence gate, get back to Fluttershy (

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  • Pinkie Pie's Special Cupcake

    My newest game based on FNaF: http://www.roblox.com/The-Bronycon-after-Hours-place?id=182845435 Rainbow dash has been invited to help Pinky pie make more Cupcakes. Upon Rainbow Dash wanting to help, Pinky unleashed her Chainsaw with fiery knocking out Rainbow Dash, will Rainbow Dash escape this Horror? Edited Version of Sargent Sprinkles Cupcakes My sister watches My Little Pony now, still not a brony though. Note: The image was also from Cupcakes HD by DaveDavey. I would add gory scenes, but that goes against Roblox rules!

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  • Island Miners [Alpha]

    Recommended: Use the lowest graphics setting if you're on a weak device. You're working for a corporation called the "Multidimensional Mining Corporation", or the M.M.C. for short, where you gather resources from other dimensions, but the inhabitants of those dimensions usually don't want you around. You can also use the resources you've gathered to build your own personal world in your dimension distributed by the corporation to employees on the project. When the M.M.C. found a dimension full of resources, a group of creatures called the "Ohana", who have built aircraft and military bases, attacked the M.M.C. and has drove them away from the new dimension.

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  • My Little Portal

    Pinky Eye one of the facility Eye-bots has announced to you that there is a meeting in room 2104 and you must proceed there! She will show you the way to the meeting room, but when everything was going fine the.. I'm a fan of Portal 2, I am not a Brony! Guide: (1) Go to the Cube to activate the Main Menu! (2) Follow Pinky Eye around the facility! (3) Go to the Old Cube lying in the dirt! (4) Proceed to put the Cube on the button! (5) Wait for Pinky to open the door! (6) Press the Button.. (7) Get past the fire pit using the Portal Gun! (8) Portal your way to the button, and press the button! (9) Portal your way through the test! (10) Follow Pinkie Through the Hallways! (11) Portal your way through the Facility! (12) Use the Gel to give you a boost on your escape! (13) Wait for Pinky Eye to open the door and go through the halls! (14) Enter the meeting room, go to the far-side of the room! (15) Defeat Discord!

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  • Daunty's Muffin-tastic Birthday

    You've finally been invited to a birthday party! Any new guests get to participate in a game where you have to find ingredients, around the house, to bake muffins for the party. Of course, It can't be too easy. One of the guests will act as a monster to search for you around the house. Don't be scared, it's only in your imagination.

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  • The Rainbow Factory V2

    A fellow ##### Mark Crusader Scootaloo is ready for her flight test with Rainbow Dash, but her scores were unfavorable! So the ##### Mark Crusaders were taken to the Rainbow Factory unknowing to what events are taken place there! Robot Boss Fight: How To.. The Robot can shoot Red Rockets that home on you.. These move in quite a quick pace, but Sweetie Belle can slow these down when there near her! Try to get the Rocket to hit the Robot, 10 hits! Rainbow Dash Fight: How To.. Rainbow Dash can stomp to lower the ground, get Sweetie Belle near her so she can weaken Rainbow Dash! When this is done Rainbow Dash will chase you! After a while Apple Bloom will have a plan, Rainbow Dash must be near her you may not!

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  • ザ・フォール・オブ・ザ・ビーストズ

    はるか昔、「メイカー」として知られるモンスターが、自分の作品がもたらした破壊により、故郷の世界から追放されました。彼が追放された場所は地球と呼ばれ、比較的平和に一緒に暮らしていた多くの魔法の生き物でいっぱいの場所です。しかし、メイカーはこの発展途上の世界に惑わされず、地元住民を恐怖に陥れることで彼を楽しませる生き物を作り続けてきました。様々な生き物たちから成るグループが一丸となって「The Maker」に挑みました。モンスターハンターのグループは、メイカーが放つビーストを倒すために出かけなければなりません。また、オプションのサイドミッションを完了すると、追加の報酬を獲得できます。

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  • ボスバトルミニゲーム3

    あなたの仕事は、起源不明のボスから地下の軍事基地を守ることです。コインを集めて武器をアップグレードしたり、ペットを購入してボスを倒したりできます。特別なステータスをレベルアップするパワーアップコインを見つけることもできます!これらのステータスを上げると、スピード、ジャンプの高さ、アーマーが向上し、これらのボスとの戦いがはるかに簡単になります。 ボスバトルミニゲーム 2: セカンドゲーム:http://www.roblox.com/games/267895886/Boss-Battle-Mini-Games-2-0 (一部) アマテラスサンプロ製のボスモデル。

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  • ボスバトルミニゲーム2.0

    お気に入りのゲームでボスとバトルしよう。武器を購入して、投げられたボスを倒そう! (将来の問題を避けるためにカスタムチャットGUIが削除されました!) シーネル:ボスバトルミニゲーム3(今すぐプレイ!) 3番目のゲーム:https://www.roblox.com/games/163030482/Boss-Battle-Mini-Games-3 現在のボス: エッグマンのドリルグームボス(グラードス) リボンのぬいぐるみダークスター ピラニアのペティ・ウィザー・サン・ザ・スケルトン ダージ(コロッス)メタナイト ブリゼタマザーブレイン ピンキーパイが生きている

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