
  • War of torokama (60%) *Read desc. for prolouge*

    In the year 1 A.D. you are a citizen/Respected Martial Arts student of the village "Torokama", in china. In ancient times, there was a battle between Torokama and the Demons of the underworld. You were born the day the battle was over, the day Torokama won. To mark the occasion the wisemen of the village made two orbs, the orb of peace, and the orb of tranquility. They trust the orbs with your master, Master Shansoon. "As long as brothers stay, no tension can fall inbetween" They told him. Meaning that if they don't want this war to happen again, the orbs must stay together. But sadly, now the orb of Peace has been stolen from your master. You have one day to get them together again... can you? Progress status: Ive got the first part of the second room in the dungeon done... I bumped up the percentage cuz it was a bit low at the point i was at.

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