
  • BNL Furniture Tycoon - Beta

    BNL Labs presents a new tycoon type. Open a factory and start creating furniture! Based on the system used in the hit-game Miner's Heaven, this tycoon game adds an extra feature: management. Your machines won't produce just like that, you need to feed them with resources. And since you're just a furniture factory, that means you don't produce them yourself: you will have to buy them. Like you're used for BNL Labs, we add some nice and interesting twists to the popular game genres. So grab a truck, park that trailer and load it up with your own furniture!

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  • BNL コールマインタイクーン V6.01-モバイルサポート

    -!-みんな頑張れ!戻ってきて、それでずっと好きなクラシックが登場しました。ゲームのバグを修正する時間を見つけることができましたが、今ではほとんどの主要な問題は解決されているはずです。やってみてください。-!-新しいBNL Tycoon Creation Kitは、このタイクーンのエンジンをベースにしています。カタログで検索するか、私のモデルをご覧ください。アップデート:-一部のヒューマノイドテキストを削除し、サーフェスGUIに変更しました。-カートコントロールがGUIで拡張され、モバイルプレイヤーに便利になりました。カートのコントロール:カートコントロールツールを使用し、Q を押してドアを開け、E を押してドアを閉め、R を押してカートをリセットします。または GUI を使用します。

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  • BNL Galaxy Explorers V0.7 BETA

    ~!~ To the members of any BNL group: YOU can add YOUR creativity to THIS game. Design your OWN vehicles, buildings or planets and send them to ME. Those with the best designs will be included, recieve credit for their work and get free VIP access to the VIP rooms that will be added. Now go make some stuff! ~!~ [!] New update: changed the large station. I am currently holding this for a little while, since I have some bugs in the Studio (see this: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=33103777). After this might get fixed, I will be able to produce awesome models again and be able to include new stuff. [!] BNL went into space again. But now we are making it BIG! This is going to be a team-based RPG space adventure with lots of space ships and other vehicles to ride and planets and space stations to go to. This will be included for sure, which will be added in the next updates: -Land vehicles; -Larger ships that can also store smaller ships and land vehicles; -A few more

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  • BNL Laboratories Office *More stuff added*

    -- Update: a copy of the LHC from CERN, a SHC, has been installed underneath the Office. The Air Vehicle room is now the SHC Control room. We will use this huge device to create anti-hydrogen, which we will process in microcell batteries. With this, we will change the world! Woohoo! Oh, and it will save both us and you massive electric bills. -- The new Labs are still under construction, but you can already enter it. Check out the new office we are building. I made clockwork's famous Level Calculator in a GUI (in honor of him too, because he left us/was banned/got something else/had his reasons). Come check it out!

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  • BNL Space Ball *Now with some GUIs*

    Ready for some action? This is one of the latest products of the BNL Labs. In Space Ball you and your team mates join each other to take control of the ball in the center of the field. While the Pilot tries to keep up with the moving ball, the Graber on the back of the ship can try to catch it with the Telekenisesis tool and drag it to the goal of the opponent. The Gunner (can be a Graber, a Pilot or a suitless player) will try to defend the Goal of the base. Warning! Each team needs atleast ONE Graber, for the Graber can get the ball in the team's possession. And it doesn't work the other way neither: a team needs atleast ONE Pilot to transport a Graber for him to get the ball. You can also solve this by buying the BNL Labs VIP shirt, this will give you acces to the VIP Suit, which has all the available powers. This is action, shooter, sport and challange game will make sure for a couple of gaming hours.

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  • BNL Skate City *Race mode available*

    Yes, there is some lag in here, just wait and it will pas in less then a minute. If not, set your quality settings to low. BNL Skate City, this city is nicknamed after the many skate atributes the BNL Skate Team put in it. Cranes with platforms, parks with rails to grind, ramps on the road, more platforms, halfpipes, more halfpipes, roof-skating and enought roads to track if you don't want to pull stunts but just race. This city has it all. As well as commands.

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  • Master of the Elements (WIP)

    A game in production, designed by TimBNL and his partner Darkcat13.

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  • BNL Meteor Space Tycoon V1.0がリリースされました!

    !! 警告: 隕石の量が少ない。開発中に復活させるオプションがあります。現在、ゲームに多くの遅延が追加されます。現在の隕石の量を受け入れ、公平にプレイしてください。 !! ~新しい飛行機!隕石の群れ!~ 石炭鉱のすべての管理者は、このゲームの管理者です。 モードは現在無効ですが、まもなく続きます。 石炭鉱と同じモードが使用されます。 BNL Laboratoriesは、BNL Coal Mine Tycoonのメーカー:BNL Meteor Space Tycoonによって提示されています!これはBNL Coal Mine Tycoonの続編です。ここでは、あなたの巨匠を別のレベルに連れて行きます。あなたは小さな惑星であなたの巨匠から始め、隕石の群れを追うために飛行機を取る。できるだけ多くの鉱石を取る、それはあなたの巨匠にテレポートされます。飛行機のコントロール:Yを開始し、Xを停止し、WASD、Fを撃つ。これは最初のリリースバージョンです、エンジンはV5 Coal Mine Tycoonのエンジンに基づいていますので、私は多くのバグを期待していません。

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  • BNL Vehicle Seat Tests (Steam Train)

    This place includes some testable vehicles that will be used in an upcoming game. The train is automated. You can set it's route by pressing the 1 or 2 button in the front. All other vehicles are controllerd with WASD and started/stopped by clicking on them.

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  • BNL Pod Racers V0.1 BETA

    BNL presents a new game: Pod Racers. Here you take control in a pod and race as fast as you can. As your pod reaches very high speeds, try to fly straight and don't fly into any walls. You can also just battle with your lightsabers and blasters. Currently testing, track will be enlarged and obstacles will be added.

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  • BNL Skippyball Obby

    Yes, BNL started an obby aswell. And, like always, not a regulare one, no, we use SKIPPYBALLS! A.k.a. space-hoppers, hoppity-hops, etc. BNL Labs were the first to develope these simple, jet awesome and fun objects. Take a skippyball, click on it and start bouncing through the obby!

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