
  • FarmerJonn's Place Number: 97

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  • I'm done, Read the Desc if you'd like, haha.

    Hi, Um, How do I start this off, Well we can start off with the oldest friends, Walis159: Well, we were great friends for awhile, but after DLL broke we just broke off I guess? but I mean it's okay, You were great to meet though! HotCoolGirl1116: You were an awesome friend too, It was nice to meet you aswell, It's weird to me that it took me seven years to make this, but let's keep going. BeastGuy12345: I still talk to you every once in awhile, but you were the best friend I ever had, Definitely the best person I ever met, and You were there to see me when I first had my eye surgery, Anyway thanks for being there for me! Well, let's go a few years later FearMeNot: You were an awesome friend, I'm sorry I lead you on such a long time ago, that was a very odd thing for me, haha, But yeah, Thank you for putting up with me for awhile. BananaTorget27: Well hannah, you were a great friend too, if It wasnt for you I would of never gotten to where I am today, so thank you LocoPocoBirdy:

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