
  • Black Cavern Amphitheater Feat. Slipknot

    Welcome to Black Canvern Amphitheater! The current stage is set up as Slipknot's .5: The Gray Chapter stage! Enjoy the sights!

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  • RollerCoaster: ShiverFrost - Mountain Adventure

    Welcome to the top of Mt. ShiverFrost. You have been granted the oppurtunity to ride through this moutain on a sled. However, ShiverFrost is not an easy mountain to traverse. You're in for one crazy ride!. (This was given to me by a friend and I thank him. I added a few changes though). Updates: added scenery around coaster, VIP Server Access (more or less a donation function)

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  • [30] 3 Spawn Obby! HARD, READ DESC.

    Welcome to the 3 spawn obby! This course is designed to be incredibly hard and only has 3 checkpoints; beginning, middle, and end. Currently there are 30 total obstacles. NOTICE: ALL obstacles are possible to get past. REMEMBER: The solution to some obstacles will require you to think outside of the box, read and follow talking bricks closely! HAVE FUN!

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