
  • ウィンターサイド™

    ウィンターサイド™は、サンライズと呼ばれるロールプレイコミュニティで作られた架空の都市です。当初はウペルナビク島にある小さな町としてスタートし、この集落は島の魅惑的なランドマークに成長し、サンライズユニバースの多くの重要な人物が住んでいます!ウィンターサイドを探検し、このロールプレイコミュニティの過去について学びましょう!新しい秘密を開き、表面の下に隠されているものを発見しましょう! ウィンターサイドの町を探検したいですか? Well, you'll have to wait until it's open to the public! The showcase is set to be completed by the end of 2023, so I hope you're patient! Early game access will be made possible for those looking to get a sneak peak into what has been made so far, although it's not granted to be the prettiest. Buy at your own risk!

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  • Zen Garden [Showcase]

    “We can’t define consciousness because consciousness does not exist. Humans fancy that there’s something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what to do next.” — Dr. Ford, Westworld It's lovely, isn't it? This project was started on 7/28/2018 and is being updated whenever I get the chance. It is heavily inspired by Detroit: Become Human's garden, though I want to add a twist inspired by the show called Westworld, which is by far the most philosophical show I have ever come across thus far.

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