
  • Bloxxicon Tactical Headquarters

    The technical readout of the area is incorrect, considering an enemy just set off a prototype implosion-type H-bomb. Bloxxicon leaders will meet here for possible forensics of the nuke's owner or owners. You may explore, but with caution...

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  • Boogeyman's house

    *throws skittles at noob* TASTE THE FRIKKEN RAINBOW!!! noob: No! idiot: *pulles out Skittles launcher* BOOM! SPLAT! Now what does it taste like? noob: Blud! idiot: BOOM! SPLAT! That's not what it tastes like! noob: ... idiot: BOOM! SPLAT! Say something!!!! Bob: I think u killed him... idiot: Then u taste it!!!!! BOOM! SPLAT!!!!!!

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  • River of Hyperspacial Collapse

    Um, can you say wierd?

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  • Bloxxicon territorial flat

    This is just a flat, open space of land owned by the Bloxxicon.

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  • Camping Tycoon

    Yup, and it will be based on my camping trip to: Fall Creek Falls.

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  • Fully Destructible War Tycoon

    Get a base, build, and battle! Killing other ppl = 10 Blowing up a brick = 2 per brick. Everything's fully destructible, but don't worry if you're base is epically pwned. Just hit the Regen Button. (Anchored.) Use the cash to make your place stronger and better. Then get traps for anyone nooby enough to try to destroy your base from the inside out. No VIP yet, Still working.

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  • Alien Faces

    You'll take a tour across five worlds, each suitable for life. Each world hes different challenges the native life must face. First, we blast off to a planet with a veeeerryy tiny sun. A Red Dwarf, to be exact. the life there must adapt either to endless light, twilight, or complete darkness. Next, we fly off to a planet with really high gravity. To top that, it's all desert. only 10% of the surface is water. Next, explore a planet with really low gravity. Further on, we've explored a planet with normal water, little water, and now, all water. an ocean planet. Finally, we travel to a planet inhabited by not flesh and blood, but steel and cilica. Robot life forms... Enjoy your adventure!

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  • Spawnworld Obby

    A Roblox Glitch forced me to use Spawns instead of bricks, so everything you see is a spawn, even the baseplate. *OMG it didn't save?!?!* Aw, man!

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  • Semi Destruction Derby

    Duke the old out with semis! No tool needed! Instructions: jump on to the white seat and use your move keys to drive. HINT: if your semi gets tipped over, jump on to the trailer of another guy's semi! Don't wanna play? jump out of the border to safety and watch! And did you know you can squish noobs into the wall...? lol the ad has absolutely NOTHING to do with this, except that they're both SPARTA!

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  • Drive a car into a shredder! v0.3

    Hop in a car and ride it to your iminent doom! (there is no way of surviving this. It is just for epic laughs.) If you DO survive, tell me and I will add a winners' zone. UPDATES: New crushers, and a thwomp that can squish any car flat. v0.3: Music added.

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