
  • [FALLOUT] Pre-War Home, 2057

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ___________________ A small suburban house on the edge of Boston, with most of Europe engulfed in War over the last of the worlds resources and with autumn approaching, this small ideal sits comfortably as a small icon of American prosperity, even with the last of Americas resources being rapidly depleted. ___________________

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  • Robloxian Museum of History 1900-1960

    (Dramatised version of History on Roblox, so don't take everything as literal, or you may be getting an incorrect version of history around Roblox events .e.g; The occupation of Merryville) Some Uniforms will be incorrect, simply to make 'em look a bit nicer when on the stands. Enjoy your visit, and explore the history of the Roleplaying era spanning from 1900 to 1960, emphasised by vignettes and displays to truly flesh out the history of the era.

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  • [FALLOUT] Vault 14

    Vaults, Set up in the North to house the masses of America in the public eye, a safe haven for all, when infact; the Vaults were really a string of social experiments, Vault 14 being no exception, with firearms of small calibres being issued to rather enthusiastic members of the community, and being denied certain supplies; to test the resolve of all in the Vault with the hope that they would turn on one another, though this never occured, the residents managed with what rations were available. Vault 14 group: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=932661

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